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Think about how you feel about your relationship with your spouse. Are you happy? Does your spouse still make you feel amazing? Do you want to spend forever with your spouse? Look deep in your relationship and ask yourself these questions among many others and finally ask yourself if going outside your relationship is worth it all. It's normal to be physically attracted to people, but the question is whether you want to add emotional attraction to that as well. If you love your spouse and really want to spend the rest of your life with this person, don't act on your physical feelings.

On the other hand, if things are going bad with your relationship with your spouse and you don't see it going any further, then maybe you should think about ending it so that both of you are happy.

AnswerAsk yourself if you know this co worker well enough to even compare to your spouse. Then ask yourself who it is you truly want to be with forever and why? If you don't love your spouse and see life as a dreary exsistence when you imagine another 5 yrs with them, then i would end it. But I wouldn't go for the co worker, until your divorced and actually sure if you really even like them. AnswerGet unattracted to this person, real quick. If you are not happily married youv'e got some unfinished business with your marriage first. Then once the divorce papers are signed do what ever your hearts tell you to do. answerI see why the Compaq Center is so full. The man leading it says just what his congregation wants to hear. The sheep are to be fed and taught the truth,not entertained! If you pursue this relationship, you will hurt alot of people. You made a vow. Your co-worker made a vow. Seems alot of discipline would come from your purpose driven mistakes. Are you ready for it? Once again, read Proverbs 5, the whole chapter, at least 5 times. This is your creator's words. That means he can do anything he pleases, but he will not go back on his word. AnswerRunning away from your marriage problems is not the answer. If there are things wrong in your marriage then it's time you communicated with your husband and tried to come to some solution to the problem(s). No one said marriage was a bowl of cherries and no matter how long you are married you are always learning about each other and trying to resolve any problems that come up. This is called MATURITY! You did take a vow as did your coworker so stick to it! Cheating is unacceptable behavior and there is no excuse for it. You chose your marriage partner so deal with it! The only reason you should consider leaving your spouse is if you are physically or mentally abused or there are drugs involved. If you have tried everything you can and simply find you are not in love with your spouse then have the guts to separate (gives you time to reflect back on things and a chance to decide if the way you have decided to turn your life around is the right choice). Cheating is cheap and a chicken way out of things. You'll regret it if you continue on with your coworker. As one poster said there are others you both will hurt. AnswerI was once in the same situation. It made me look at what was wrong in my relationship. Why was a attracted to someone else? What was missing with my partner? Was I happy? Did I really want someone else or was I just dreaming and if so why? In the end I concluded that I was not happy in my relationship (I did not pursue my co-worker) and I broke off with my husband. To my surprise he although sad was relieved as he neither was happy. I am on my own now and far less lonely and happier than when married.
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Q: What do you do when you are married and your co-worker is married but you feel physically attracted to this person?
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