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To be a good sport with otheres, following the pillars of charecter.

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Q: What do you expect from a democracy?
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How old is democracy?

you expect me to know?

How are complaints treated as testimony to the success of democracy?

The fact that people are complaining about democracy is itself a testimony to the success of democracy. It means that now people have gained consciousness about democracy and they expect something better every time from democracy.

Citizens in a social democracy expect their government to?

Provide them with certain benefits

Why did English colonists in America expect to have representative democracy in the colonies?

They did because they can expected Britain to take over.

Will Nazi Germany ever exist again?

There is no reason to expect that. Most people who know modern Germany well regard it as a highly successful democracy.

How can democracy be fair?

I think democracy is fair because it is an ideology where the main body of citizens elect politicians to represent them in the best way they can. It is fair because whoever gets majority vote is best for the job. You wouldn't expect a country who lives under democracy to elect a crap politician to represent them. Whoever gets the most votes is the best for the job in their eyes.

What were the most signifcant elements of ancient athenian democracy?

Some of the democratic principles in ancient Athens, mirrored what we would expect of democracy today, but there were some traits that were different. One example of a different principle is that women were still not seen as equals unless there were believed to be descendants of gods.

Type of democracy?

liberal democracy. Democracy altogether. socialist democracy. Democracy elite. A pluralist democracy.

How was democracy in ancient Athens different from democracy in the united States?

The democracy in ancient Athens was a direct democracy. The democracy in the United States was a representative democracy.

How is a direct democracy different from a regular democracy?

Define regular democracy. A democracy is a government by the people. A direct democracy is a type of democracy.

The country being described has a government that most resembles which type of democracy?

A direct democracy

Why democracy and what democracy?

democracy means choosing their leader by them and freedom