

Best Answer
Feed them bread soaked in warm *room temp* milk. Little bits of grain. Be gentle with it. You can search on Google for more information. You might have to wait though to release it. You did specify how old it is so I can't help you.

Here is a site to help you a bit more
Room temp. milk, kernels of boiled corn.

AnswerHere's a nother good website on raising mice:
Cow milk is not a good idea since it can cause diarrhea. Kitty or puppy milk (ask your vet) are good substitutes.

After it starts to eat by itself, offer oatmeal soaked in the puppy milk at first as well as normal mouse food and millet spray. Most wild mouse species eat a fairly big share of insects, so don't forget those: mealworms, crickets, locusts. It's better to feed them alive so that the mouse gets used to it. Also, try to make the cage as big and as similar to the mouse's natural habitat as possible and scatter the food instead of using a bowl. Handle it as little as possible so that it doesn't get too tame.

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Q: What do you feed a wild baby mouse after its eyes open if you hope to release it back into the wild?
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When does the eyes open in a baby mouse?

At around 14 days old.

When can you touch your newborn baby mouse?

No you can not touch a newborn baby mouse tomuch unless the eyes are open P.S feed a baby abandond mouse condensed milk worm up in microwave for 8 seconds and use sorinj

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well i have a baby jumping mouse and he hasn't opened his eyes yet and i wet a piece of paper towel and put a tiny bit of food at a time on the end because their mums tongue would of been wet so that's how I feed my baby jumping mouse see if what I do works.

At what age does a baby mouse open its eyes?

between 11 and 16 days old They open there eyes about three weeks in there little lifes.

How old is a baby mouse if their eyes are not open and they have fur?

only a couple days old about 3-6 days old

How do you take care of a baby mouse about to open his eyes?

I just recently found a baby mouse. It had fur when I found it and it's eyes were not yet open. I searched the internet and this website was very helpful! this helps!

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They are smaller

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With their eyes.

What do baby mice eat when their eyes are closed?

Before baby mice open their eyes, they're too young to be weaned. The mother mouse will feed them milk. If the babies don't have a mother or have been abandoned, they'll need to be fostered or hand-fed, or they won't survive.

You just found an abandoned baby mouse its eyes are open and it has fur and is walking but its tail is cut in half and it is terrified what should you do what do you feed it?

Contact your local Humane Society ASAP. Or let it go in the yard where you found it, to see if it walks back to its nest.