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Q: What do you observe when you combine baking soda solution and calcium chloride solution?
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When silver nitrate solution was added to your product what did you observe?

If chloride is present silver chloride with get precipitated..

What would you observe when blue litmus is introduced into a solution of ferric chloride?

there is no change

What color do you observe for the solution of hydrated copper(II) chloride in water?

The solution color of cupric oxide is blue to green.

What colour do you observe for the solution of hydrated copper chloride in water?

The dihydrated salt is blue-green.

What is observe when aqueous ammonia is added in excess to a silver chloride solution?

The white precipitate of silver chloride will dissolve when aqueous ammonia is added.

What happens when you mix hydrochloric acids with calcium hydroxide?

Calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid will react to produce calcium chloride, carbon dioxide gas, and water. When you observe the reaction, the solid calcium carbonate will disappear and gas bubbles will form. This is because the solid calcium carbonate reacts with the hydrochloric acid to form soluble calcium chloride, carbon dioxide gas, and water. The balanced equation for this reaction is the following: CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) ---> CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

What does the reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate look like?

It will produce calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide gas. You will observe bubbles of carbon dioxide gas being produced.

What do you observe when ethyne is passed through ammoniacal cuprous chloride solution?

A red-brown precipitate of copper acetylide is formed.

What would be observed when a fresh precipitate of silver chloride is treated with excess ammonia solution?

When you treat silver chloride with excess ammonia solution, Diamine silver (I) chloride is formed . The reaction involved is- AgCl + NH(3) --->Ag( (NH(3)) 2)(+) + Cl(-).What you will observe is that AgCl is insoluble, but after adding ammonia it becomes soluble because of above reaction.

What observation would you expect to make if hydrochloric acid is added to calcium carbonate?

Well, hydrochloric acid is an acid, and calcium carbonate is a base. Therefore there is going to be a spontaneous reaction and will result in the formation of what is defined as a salt, namely calcium chloride and some water.

What melts ice faster calcium chloride or sodium chloride?

Sounds like a great question to be answered with an experiment. Take equal amounts of ice in identical containers at the same temperature, sprinkle each set of ice cubes with equal amounts of the different substances, also at the same temperature, then observe which container of ice cubes melts the fastest. Here are more opinions and answers from other FAQ Farmers: * In my experience, calcium chloride melts ice fastest. Cat litter doesn't dissolve, so it obviously can't lower the freezing point of ice. * We did this experiment for school. We found out that calcium chloride did work the best, but rubbing alcohol and rock salt worked well, too. We also found out that the cat box litter did not work at all. All it did was absorb all the ice and water and make a big ice chunk.

How could you show that dissolving calcium in water results in a chemical change?

After the calcium dissolves add an indicator (such as litmus, methyl red or methyl orange) and observe the color, all of them imply that the solution is alkaline. As the pH value changes, a chemical reaction should be occurred. The alkaline substance is aqueous calcium hydroxide.