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In this situation, it is not just what you say but it is what you do. Proving to him that you really love him by showing him is about the only way, if he thinks you are faking. Do something romantic, like bring him a gift, or make him something. (i know it is cheesy!) That will show you undying affection for him. Good Luck, and I hope this guy believes you!

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Q: What do you say to a guy so he will know that you really do love him and its not just a talk?
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You may be in love with the idea of this girl or maybe with the idea of being in love itself. How can you love this girl that you do not know and have never had a conversation with. You may be interested in her, but it is doubtful that you love her. you cant really love someone you don't even really know or talk to.

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Just tell him that you love him, straight, serious, and forward. In my opion, the moment yous get togather yous should know that you love each other.

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The way they look at you talk to you etc. kinda hard to tell

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If you've never talked to a girl, it's sort of impossible to really love her. Maybe you love the idea of her...but without knowing someone and there being some sort of aquaintaince, relationship, etc; it's really not possible to know for sure that you love her. If it's someone you really care about and want to pursue, you're going to have to talk and get to know her. Think for a second, do you really love her? Do you really want her to be your wife for the rest of your life ? In truth there is no easy way to ask her, first talk to her parents and a good relationship with them, then when you are a good freind of the familey , it will be a lot easier. Make sure that you really love her, and do not just want her for an inaproprite relationship with her.

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Talk to her, girls love when it when guys talk to them but don't make her feel pressured.

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Try to distract yourself at all times. Do what you want to do, just let loose. If you really want to talk to them, then try to make them talk to you. I know it sounds confusing but I've done it and it's quite effective.