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I am a Survivor of this disease. It is never suspected, yet fast detection is almost the only way to survive. In my case I had what appeared to be either an infected pimple or insect bite on my buttocks. I tried to treat it with antibiotic ointment for several days and it continued to worsen. I was out of town staying in a motel room for 3 nights and on the fourth day when my wife and I were on our way home I felt horrible. I had probably had the bite for a total of 6-8 days and the strange thing was it never had any pus or other signs of infection only hardness and heat. We arrived home and the next day I was almost delirious. I am a Veteran so right after noon we left for the VA hospital 1 1/2 hours from home. During the night my testicles had swollen 10 times their normal size and I was in a lot of pain. By the time we were going to the hospital I can't even remember if I was in pain. By 4pm I was being examined by a Doctor Who ended up being my regular team Doctor until today. She admited me to the hospital in Kerville VA hospital and had me placed on intravenous antibiotics and other stuff. within 2 hours I had worsened to the point I was loaded on an ambulance and sent to Sid Peterson VA hospital in San Antonio TX. I remember it raining hard and barely remember arriving and seeing my wifes face and that's it for two weeks. I had full out blood poisoning and testicles the size of a softball. I only know what I was told. My family was called in, I have five children along with my Pastor and other people from my church and other churches I have affilliations with. I was not given odds just a "He probably will not survive as his organs are starting to shut down". They marked my tissue and watched it through the night

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Q: What do you use or do to cure the flesh eating skin disease?
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What does flesh eating disease do to your skin?

Flesh-eating disease is caused by a streptococcus bacterium called necrotizing fasciitis. It is an infection of the deeper layers of skin that spreads easily but does not affect the muscles.

How do you get skin diseases?

flesh eating bacteria is spread through close personal contact. butthat does not mean that if you hug someone you will get a flesh eating virus.

How can mayana leaves cure skin disease?

it can protect your skin if u drink the mayana leaves :)

Is there a treatment for flesh eating bacteria?

I have been investigating about it and find out that there is no cure for it, the best thing that you could do is anticipate it on time and then make the part of your body that is infected removedFlesh eating disease.When I was in Africa I ran into a girl who had a Flesh eating disease all over her right arm, the top of her chest, and half way down her back. I asked the villagers if she had seen a Doctor, and they said yes, she had gone to several Doctors but there was no cure for the disease. I asked what would happen to her? And they said that the disease would soon spread down her chest and eat through her stomach, and her guts would burst open and she would die. I said O my God we need to try to do something to help her!I had brought some medicine with me from the U.S. in case I got sick in the middle of nowhere. So I gave her some Bactrin which is an anti-biotic similar to Penicillin, and a bar of Ivory Soap. I told her that the Bactrin would help fight the disease on the inside, while the Soap would fight the disease on the outside.I explained to her that there were little tinny bugs inside the scabby disease that were eating through her skin, and that she needed to try to soak off in water as much of the scabby disease as possible. Then put a little bit of water on top of the bar of Ivory Soap and rub it to make a paste, and dab the paste on the raw open wounds. I told her that it would burn like hell for a minute or so, but then it would start to feel much better. I told her to leave the soap on the wounds all the time to keep them from getting infected, and to wash it off and apply new soap twice a day.I had to leave to work on a dam project, but 8 weeks later I returned to her village and it had killed the disease. You could see the new skin on her back and there was no ugly scaring or discoloration of skin.

Is Valley Fever a skin eating disease?

It can cause a rash over most of the body and some skin ulcers. But not one would call "skin eating".

What kind of symptoms does the flesh eating disease have?

Although some symptoms are common to other diseases, the flesh easting disease, necrotizing fasciitis, include: Fever Chills Nausea Puking Pain in an injury site where the injury would normally heal with a reasonable amount of time Skin discoloration *All these symptoms may appear suddenly.

How do you cure the chronic disease of frequent change of skin colour?

Have your nose cosmetically removed

What is skin disease can it core in kakawate leaves?

There are different diseases of the skin; it's best to consult with a doctor, to determine exactly what disease you have, and what's the best way to cure it.

Does it hurt when the Japanese flesh eating eat your skin?

no it just feels good and its good for your skin but not good for your skin when the fish starts digging too deep

What is flesh eating birds with sharp claws?

So that they can grasp their prey.

Can maggot live in the guts of live aminals?

No, they live just under the skin, burrowing around and eating the flesh in that area.

Can the skin eating disease kill you?

Yes it can! You need to seek medical help ASAP!