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It is the Balfour Declaration, named for the British politician Arthur Balfour who proposed the establishment of a Jewish state in the British Protectorate of Palestine.
Balfour Declaration

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The Balfour Declaration in 1917.

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Q: What document was issued by Britain favoring a Jewish State in Palestine?
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What led great Britain to change its mind about establishing a Jewish homeland in its territory of palestine?

It was never Britain's decision to create a Jewish homeland in the territory referred to as Palestine. The League of Nations, the precursor to the United Nations, created the mandate and gave it to Britain to administer. Britain then violated its mandate by giving 80% of the land set out to be the Jewish homeland to the Arabs.

What is the declaration from the British Government that there should be a Jewish homeland in Palestine?

The document in question is the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

What is the name of the document the british government signed approving of a Jewish homeland in palestine after World War 1?

The document in question is the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

Great britain limited jewish immigration to palestine in the years before world war 2 because of?

arab actions against the jewish population there

What was the the Balfour declaration?

The Balfour Declaration (1917) was a promise to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The document was a letter sent by UK Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Baron Rothschild, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.

When did Britain stop Jews from migrating to Palestine?

1939, with the 1939 White Paper. However, there had been a trend toward minimizing the rate of Jewish migration to Palestine throughout the 1930s.

Which statement explains one reason why tensions increased between Great Britain and Jews in Palestine during World War 2?

The British limited Jewish immigration to Palestine in exchange for Arab oil resources.

Why did tensions increase between great Britain and Jews in Palestine during world war 1?

Answer this question… The British supported a Jewish homeland in Palestine despite an earlier promise to grant Arabs in the colony independence.

Who occupied palestine?

Zionism Jewish

When was Israel founded as a Jewish homeland?

The development of the concept of the Southwest Levant as the Jewish Homeland was a result of the Conference of San Remo (1920) and the Mandate for Palestine (1922). In the latter document, the British Mandate of Palestine was specifically designed to be the "Jewish National Homeland". When Israel declared independence in 1948, Israeli leaders argued that the creation of the Jewish State was in continuance of this previously determined concept.

Why did tensions between Arabs and Jews in Palestine escalate during the 1930s?

Jewish Immigration to Palestine increased significantly, causing Arabs to worry about losing their land.

Why did Britain issue the 1939 White Papers which state that Palestine will not become a part of Jewish state?

Britain was interested in preventing strife and warfare in the Middle East as well as making sure that they could continue to get petroleum from other Arab countries. Therefore, they kowtowed to pressure from Arabs in the Mandate of Palestine to rescind permission for Jews to immigrate to Mandatory Palestine in violation of the terms of the Mandate.