

What does DFN mean?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: What does DFN mean?
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b dfn, nxc vsdgvdsvbshgchscsvcghsfsfhsafhsafsagfcsahdhasfdaghsfxa

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dfn went with syndicated sports and let all the local guys go

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the formula for pressure is:Mathematically:P= F/A or P= dFn/ dAwhere:p is the pressure,F is the normal force,A is the area of the surface area on contactScientifically:p= F/A

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xjlvgngjlbn dffkbnfv fsgjhddfkvne dffbvnhckjnb dfkgbnfnb dfn dfkndff vdofigheo dfgjdfon dfblndffblndff fojdf rkjghofhw dfgjhdf dofgn fdgof dflomdfg d fglfmr g fdgnvbohdffg dfoj i dnt understand ur question!!

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turbidity -dfn- refers to a measure of the amount of suspended solids in water.Particles that may make the water cloudy include soil, wastes from animals and plants, human waste, and waste from industry. Water that is very turbid may block sunlight and prevent photosynthesis in aquatic plants. These plants will die as a result.

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I would say it is related to this post about magnetic flux quanta.magnetic-flux-quantumA quanta is a unit of something. For instance the electron is a fundamental unit of charge.Or just look at this definition of quanta.

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he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

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you mean what you mean

How do you define the chain rule for the composition of three four and n-functions?

OK, say we have some functions, f1, f2, f3, f4, ..., fn. Lets assume that all of these functions take in a real input and give a real output, so we can write y=f1(x), where x,y are both real. Start with the composition of two functions (to establish notation): y2 = f2(f1(x)) --> dy2/dx = df2/dx(f1(x)) * df1/dx(x) in English: "The derivative of y2 with respect to x, evaluated at the point x, is equal to the derivative of f2 with respect to x, evaluated at the point f1(x), times the derivative of f1 with respect to x, evaluated at the point x." The composition of three functions: y3 = f3(f2(f1(x))) --> dy3/dx = df3/dx(f2(f1(x))) * df2/dx(f1(x)) * df1/dx(x) = df3/dx(y2) * dy2/dx For composition of n functions: yn = fn(fn-1(...(f2(f1(x)))...)) dyn/dx = dfn/dx(fn-1(...(f2(f1(x)))...)) * ... * df2/dx(f1(x)) * df1/dx(x) = dfn/dx(fn-1) * dyn-1/dx Here I used shorthand, so that fn-1 really means f_{n-1}, the "n-1"th function.

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Mean is the average.

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