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physical and chemical properties are the fundamental property of d Atomic Mass.This law was stated in d year 1869.

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Tobin Boyle

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2y ago
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1mo ago

Mendeleev's periodic law stated that when elements are arranged in order of increasing Atomic Mass, their properties repeat periodically in a way that similarities in their chemical properties occur at regular intervals. This led to the development of the Periodic Table of elements.

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13y ago

physical and chemical properties are the fundamental property of d atomic mass.This law was stated in d year 1869.

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Q: What does Mendeleev's periodic law stated?
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How modern periodic law removed the defects of mendeleevs system of classification?

The properties of elements are the periodic function of their atomic numbers. REMOVAL OF DEFECTS OF MENDELEEV'S PERIODIC TABLE periodic table obtained on the basis of increasing atomic numbers has removed defects of Mendeleev's periodic table . 1) POSITION OF ISOTOPES : since the isotopes of the same elements have the same atomic number, they are given the same place in the table. 2) POSITION OF RARE EARTHS: These elements are separately placed at the bottom of table . similarly Acton elements ( which were discovered after Mendeleev ) are also placed at the bottom of the periodic table. 3) ANOMALOUS PAIRS. the arrangement according to the atomic number show that their placements are correct.

A person could be fined up to 1000 or be imprisoned for breaking the law stated in the?

It is important to follow the law to avoid paying fines or facing imprisonment. Make sure to understand and comply with legal regulations to prevent any consequences.

When the common law does not provide an answer the courts must refer to a statute law for guidance?

Yes, when the common law is silent or unclear on a particular issue, courts may look to statutes for guidance. Statutory law can provide specific rules and regulations that can help fill gaps in the common law or provide clarity on a legal matter. This allows courts to interpret and apply the law in a more consistent and well-informed manner.

Who originally stated that without law there cannot be any freedom?

John Locke, a philosopher known for his contributions to the development of liberalism, is often credited with the idea that without law, there can be no freedom. In his work, he argued that a society needs a well-structured legal system to protect the individual rights and freedoms of its citizens.

Which judge said the law is not an ass?

Lord Ellenborough, a British judge in the 19th century, is often credited with saying "The law is an ass" in the context of a ruling he made. This quote has since been popularized in various forms in literature and media to critique the perceived absurdity or rigidity of the legal system.

Related questions

How was mendeleevs periodic table like todays periodic table?

it has elements

Why the improvement in Mendeleevs periodic table was made?

To understand the concept of Periodic Table

Main idea of mendeleevs first periodic table?

In Mendeleev's periodic table, the elements were arranged in the increasing order of their atomic masses and repeating periodic properties.

Which two elements on the periodic tabel would have been placed in different groups in moseleys periodic table but not in mendeleevs?

bi and po

Mendeleevs periodic table of elements was created in 1901?

Actually, Dmitri Mendeleev formulated the periodic law and published his periodic table of elements in 1869. This table arranged elements by increasing atomic mass and grouped them based on similar properties, predicting the properties of missing elements. It was a significant contribution to the field of chemistry.

What was Mendeleevs proposal?

Mendeleev proposed the periodic law and created the first periodic table of elements. He organized the elements based on their atomic mass and chemical properties, predicting the properties of undiscovered elements. His work laid the foundation for the modern periodic table used today.

What changes were made to the periodic table after Dmitri mendeleevs discovery?

they changed the 3 new Elements.

Mendeleevs periodic table was useful because it enabled scientists to predict properties of unknown?


What were mendeleevs discoveries and predictions and discoveries abot the periodic table?

Mendeleev predicted that properties of elements are periodic function of atomic mass. He demonstrated it by creating a table.

Which two elements in the fourth period violate the original periodic law as stated by Mendeleev?

Cobalt and nickel. They were placed before expected elements based on increasing atomic mass due to their similar chemical properties, violating Mendeleev's original periodic law.

Who is mendeleevs?

Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist; he proposed the modern Periodic Table of elements in 1869.

Mendeleev's periodic table is arranged how?

Mendeleev's periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic mass, with elements placed in rows and columns based on their chemical properties. Gaps were left for undiscovered elements, and elements with similar properties were placed in the same column.