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She did nothing. She just tested him with it. He had built the bed around a tree in their bedroom. No one knew about it but them.

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Q: What does Penelope do to Odysseus bed?
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How is Penelope convinced that Odysseus is actually Odysseus?

Penelope tells Eurycleia to move the bed, Odysseus responds by saying that is impossible because he has made the bed around the Olive tree.

What were some of Penelope's cunning plans in the odyssey?

1. (XXI.85-) When Penelope sets out the axes and challenges the suitors to archery, knowing only Odysseus will be able to shoot it. 2. (XXIII.197-202) Penelope commands Eurycleia to move the unmovable bed (that Odysseus himself built) so that Odysseus (before Penelope believes it to be him) will have sleeping accomodations. Odysseus then opposes that idea, claiming that the bed cannot be moved, convincing Penelope that it truly is Odysseus. Only Odysseus, Penelope, and Eurycleia know about the bed being unmovable.

What is the secret of the marriage bed of Odysseus and Penelope?

In Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey," the secret of Odysseus and Penelope's marriage bed is its immovability. Odysseus constructed their marriage bed around a living olive tree in their home, symbolizing their deep-rooted connection and fidelity. By revealing this secret, Odysseus proves his identity to Penelope, as only he would know this detail.

Why does Penelope ask that their bed be moved?

Penelope knows that only Odysseus knows that their bed is unmovable because one of the posts is a living tree. She was testing if it was the real Odysseus and not a fake

What was the object Penelope lies about to see if its Odysseus?

Penelope tells Anticlea to move her and Odysseus' bed to a guest room, knowing full well that the bed cannot be moved without damaging it severely.

Penelope's test of Odysseus in Book 23 of the Odyssey?

Penelope was talking to Odysseus and told her maid to move Odysseus' bed so this beggar (odysseus) could stay the night. (Odysseus' bed was made from an oak tree and would be almost impossible to move.) Therefore, Odysseus got really mad and thought she was living with another man who was very strong and could move it. Penelope then knew for sure that this was Odysseus.

How does Odysseus prove identity to Penelope?

Odysseus proves his identity to Penelope by recounting a secret about their bed that only he would know, as it was constructed by him and is immovable. This knowledge convinces Penelope that the man before her is truly her husband, Odysseus, and not an imposter.

What test does Penelope gives Odysseus?

she tells her maidens to bring the Odysseus's bed for him to sleep on and he said that was impossible because he made that bed from the olive tree

How did Odysseus reveal his real identity to Penelope his wife?

When Penolope asked him to move her bed out of her chambers, he replied that it was not possible because the bed was stuck to the ground. This works because Penelope did not let anyone, even servants, into her quarters exept for Odysseus

When did Penelope feel sure Odysseus was indeed her long lost husband?

When he successfully describes, in great detail, their marital bed as only penelope and odysseus had ever been in their bedroom so no-one else knew what the bed looked like.

What was Penelope's final test for Odysseus?

Penelope's final test for Odysseus was to see if he could move and string his bow, and then shoot an arrow through twelve axe heads. This test was set up as a way for Penelope to confirm if the beggar claiming to be Odysseus was truly her husband returned from his journey. Odysseus passed the test and was reunited with Penelope.

What test does Odysseus pass to prove that he is Penelope's husband?

Penelope asks Odysseus if he will arrange to have his bed moved out of their bedroom while she gets used to him being home. Odysseus replies that this is impossible because the bed is built around a tree which grows within and forms a fundamental part of the structure of the palace and so to move it would be impossible. Only Odysseus would have known this and so he passes Penelope's test.