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The name Dracula simply means "son of Dracul". Dracul was a Romanian leader, and Dracula's father.

The origin of the name itself is from draco "dragon". This may be a reference to his personality or a position he held.

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1mo ago

Lord Vlad Dracula is a historical figure also known as Vlad the Impaler. He was a ruler in Wallachia, now part of Romania, in the 15th century known for his cruel and violent methods of punishment. The name Dracula means "son of the dragon" in Romanian.

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14y ago

Dracula comes from dracul, the order of the dragon, a catholic order founded to portect the church and its interests, his grandfather was a part of this oder, and a third generation title of that order varies to draculea, orgination of the name dracula.

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What is Dracula's name?

Dracula's Full Name was Count Vladislaus Dracula.

What was Dracula's full name?

Vlad Tepes (Cepeš)

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In no specific order: Count Orlock. Count Dragule. Count Olrox. Nosferatu. Count Orlock Nosferatu. Vlad Țepeș (Vlad Tepesh), Vlad Dracul, Dracul, Draquo, Dragonking, Lord of Vampires, The count.

What does the name 'Dracula' mean?

Son of the Devil

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Dracula is based off of the murdering torturer vlad the impaler. His birth name is Vlad Dracula. Aka prince of Wallachia. All based mainly in Transylvania.

When was dracular invented?

Dracula was invented by Bram Stoker in his nouvel Dracula in 1897. he was inspired by Transilvania's prince Vlad the Impaler(Vlad Tepes) or Vlad Dracula.

Who was Dracula in real life?

Vlad Tempes aka Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula.

What was Vlad the second's full name?

The real Dracula was Vladimir III, Prince of Wallachia; also known as 'Vlad the Impaler'.

What was the Dracula legend based on what historical figure?

Count Dracula, a fictional character in the Dracula novel, was inspired by one of the best-known figures of Romanian history, Vlad Dracula, nicknamed Vlad Tepes(Vlad the Impaler), who was the ruler of Walachia at various times from 1456-1462. Born in 1431 in Sighisoara, he resided all his adult life in Walachia, except for periods of imprisonment at Pest and Visegrad (in Hungary).

Where did dracula get his name from?

The word Dracula derives (historicaly) from a fraternal order of Knights called 'The Order of the Dragon' founded prior to 1431 by Sigismind of Luxembourg to defend Europe against the Turks. It's more popular usage was by Bram Stoker, the Irish novelist. Count Dracula was published in 1897