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small birds, mammals, and insects

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Q: What does a Puerto Rican boa eat?
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What habitat does the Puerto Rican boa live in?

puerto Rica

How does the Puerto Rican boa care for its young?

no snakes don't care for thier young

What is the phylum of the Puerto Rican boa?

All snakes are vertebrates a thus in the order chordata.

What are the hunting behaviors for the Puerto Rican Boa?

they generally eat small birds, mammals and lizards. they are becoming extinct because the habitat was being destroyed and thers is still illegal hunting of the boa for use of oil.

How do Puerto Rican people eat?

With their mouths.

What eats a Puerto Rican boa?

a fat mexican pig [ and dont ask me the name cause i dont know? ]

What are animals in Puerto Rico?

Farm animals include cattle, pigs and chickens. Wild Animals include the boa, coqui and the Puerto Rican Screech Owl.

What is being done for the endangered Puerto Rico boa?

The puerto rican boa isn't getting a whole lot of help. The locals sometimes think the snake is venomous and kill it, like many other epicrates boas.

What is the puerto rican flower?

The Puerto Rican flower is the Puerto Rican Hibiscus. Go figure!

Are Puerto Rican boas a protected animal?

In the 1900s the boa had gotten really rare. Close to the 20th century there was said to be signs things are getting better. But for the most part the Puerto Rican boas are endangered. And yes they are protected from poachers and such.

What is an Afro-Puerto Rican?

It is a black Puerto Rican.

What race is the Puerto Rican nationality considered?

Puerto Rican