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Brian got a dog yesterday, his name is Buddy

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Q: What does a compound sentence look like?
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What does a compound complex sentence look like?

i think it is like a boy and girl.

What is the compound word in this sentence What is the compound word in this sentence?

There is no compound word.A compound word is a word like bus-stop.Husban is spelt like this husband

What does a compound in science look like?

It depends on the compound.

Is the sentence Whales look frightening but most are gentle a compound sentence?

Yes. Source: 7th Grader.

What is compound sentence?

A compound sentence is formed by joining two or more independent clauses with a semicolon, a comma, and an independent marker.

What is the compound word in this sentence . He' s the husband of your sister?

There is no compound word.A compound word is a word like bus-stop.Husban is spelt like this husband

What is the compound word in this sentence He' s the husband of your sister?

There is no compound word.A compound word is a word like bus-stop.Husban is spelt like this husband

What is a compound sentence using the word precise?

This sentence is precise. + It is also a compound sentence.= This sentence is precise and it is a compound sentence.

What is compound complex?

A compound complex sentence is when you combind a compound sentence and a complex sentence.

What does a compound sentence mean?

A compound sentence is like to sentences combined together. for example (The dog jumped up and I fell down.) The dog jumped up is one sentence. I fell down is also another sentence.

A sentence that has two or more subjects connected by the conjuntions and or or?

A sentence that has two or more subjects connected by conjunctions is known as a compound sentence. An example of a compound sentence would be: "Jane and Bob love science, but they do not like math."

What is a compound sentence for beware?

10 example of compound sentence