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it means tgalerxy exploads

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Q: What does a main-sequence G2 star mean?
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What does g2 star mean?

The main types of star in order of temperature are A, F, G, K, M (A is the hottest). A G2 star is two tenths of the way from G to K, in other words slightly cooler than the standard G-type.

What class star is the sun?

Main sequence, G2.

What is the spectral class of a main sequence star with a luminosity 0.001 times that of the Sun?

See related link and you'll be able to work it out.

Why do you call sun a star?

Because the sun is a star, a yellow dwarf star (spectral type G2) to be exact.

What color is our star?

Our sun is a yellow main sequence star of spectral type G2 V

Is the sun a regular star?

It is a very normal type of star with a G2 spectrum and absolute magnitude of 4.5.

What is earths type star?

Earth's star is what we call the Sun, and it is a main-sequence star with a G2 spectrum and an absolute magnitude of +4.7.

What is the sun an example of?

The sun, our sun is an example of a main sequence star. G2 category. Very common.

What type of star is Sadalmelik in the constellation Aquarius?

Sadalmelik (Alpha Aquarii) is a G2 spectral type star; a yellowish white giant star.

How is our star the sun classified?

G2 ... or "yellow dwarf" (its really white - by the definition of "white")

Name the levels in halo?

The "levels" are 1-50 The Ranks go(from least to greatest): (G2,G3- means Grade 2, Grade 3) * Recruit * Apprentice-G2 * Private-G2 * Corporal-G2 * Sergeant-G2-G3 * Gunnery Sergeant-G2-G3-Master Gunnery Sergeant (>Lvl 10) * Lieutenant-G2-G3-First Lieutenant (LvL 10) * Captain-G2-G3-Staff Captain (LvL 20) * Major-G2-G3-Field Major (LvL 30) * Commander-G2-G3-Strike Commander (LvL 35) * Colonel-G2-G3-Force Colonel (LvL 40) * Brigadier-G2-G3-Brigadier General (LvL 45) * General-G2-G3-Five Star General (LvL 50)

When a star changes its position in the HR diagram it is because the star is?

evolving into a later stage. For example, a G2 star going into a red giant (M type)