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Middle school boys are rather goofy and when they like you they do goofy things. Some try acting cool while others do and say silly things. They may hit you on the arm, try to tell you a lame joke, or ask you to come see them at their game. It varies from boy to boy and depends on how shy they are.

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If you like him and the girl friend is not one of your friends, flirt back.

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Q: What do you do if you like this boy in middle school and he flirts with you but has a girlfriend?
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What should you do-middle school-i like boy with girlfriend-flirts with you-friend asked if he liked?

If you are in middle school and a boy flirts with you, but has a girlfriend, you should ignore his flirting. Even if he likes you, he still has a girlfriend. You should respect his relationship with the other girl since you would not want him to flirt with another girl if he was your boyfriend.

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Ya, but if he flirts with you WHILE he has a girlfriend then that isn't good

What do you do if a guy flirts with you and just met him and like him a lot but you dont know if he has a girlfriend and he is 15 and you are 14?

Do some research, find out if he has a girlfriend.

What should you do if a guy flirts with you but has a girlfriend?

make sure that he is flirting with you...and if he really does like you then tell him that you cant go out with him until he breaks up with his girlfriend.

How do you hold hands with your girlfriend in middle school?

It means she likes you! If you like her too then ask her out!

What if you like him and he flirts with you but he has a girlfriend?

Let's say he does like you and he ends up leaving the girl for you. Would you really want someone who flirts with other people when he's already with someone? Be careful of this guy, because if he did this to one girl, he could do it to you.

Do middle school boys still like girls even if they have pimples and acne?

Some times. i m a boy and my girlfriend has acne.

What do you do if this guy flirts with you and you kinda like him but he has a girlfriend?

i will talk to him abot what he is doing and let him know that its hurting me.But if he does not change i will break up wit him.

Will you have a girlfriend in middle school?

Some people will and some people won't. Just remember if you seem to like a girl think about it before you go out with her.

What does it mean when a boy stares at you when they think you aren't looking and flirts with you and kisses your hand when he has a girlfriend?

It sounds like hes a player you shouldn't get involed with it and it could cause you to be enemys with his girlfriend don't flirt back if this guy has a girlfriend his a pig

What should you do-middle school-like guy with gf-flirts with you-friend asked if he likes you-said just really good friends-what else could he hav sed tho-do you have a chance?

I hate to say it, but even if you did have a chance, I would stay away from this guy. He has a girlfriend yet he's flirting with you? I don't want to crush your hope, but if he really liked you, he would have broken up with his girlfriend. Guys like to play the field and that's what he may have been doing. Guys also tend to mirror you; if you were flirting with him, he may have just flirted back because he's a guy. And even if he really did like you, would you really want to go out with a guy that flirts with other girls when he has a girlfriend? Humans are creatures of habit; if he did this once, he would probably do it again if you were dating.

How do you get boys in middle school to like you as a girlfriend?

Giggle when he talks, say funny things, and talk to him frequently (careful not to troll, just to keeps tabs).