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yes they will explode please put a net over the pond so the bits of goldfish don't go ever where

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Q: What does a pregnant coy goldfish look like We have a fish pond and there are some new babies in there. We have 2 of the adult fish that look like they are going to explode?
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Can babys be pregnant?

Of course not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only the adult female hamster can get pregnant and give birth to babies.

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Of course not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only the adult female hamster can get pregnant and give birth to babies.

How often do you feed a pregnant goldfish?

Goldfish can not get pregnant because Goldfish are egg layers. They spawn once a year usually during late spring. All adult fish need to be fed morning and evening. Growing youngsters should be fed more often.

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put them in the same pod for 5,6 days then you lady should be pregnant !

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Appoxamately 2 months than she will have mini adult babies (( Fur and all ))

Do goldfish have around 100 eggs after breeding?

yes, but some of them will get eaten by the adult goldfish.

How do you know when a goldfish is preganat?

They don't necessarily get pregnant. They lay eggs and then a male comes along and fertilizes those eggs. But even if they do adult fish left in there with the eggs will eat them.Goldfish lay eggs.... they can't become pregnant.

What is the number of offsprings for a goldfish?

The average number of eggs layed by goldfish during spawning season is about 5,000. Since goldfish are domestic animals it is entirely up to the goldfish to decide how many of those eggs/fry grow into adult goldfish. Most professional goldfish breeds will choose about 50-100 of the best looking fry to grow into adult fish.

How do adult swordfish care for their babies?

Adult swordfish care for their babies with a lot of love and tenderness.

What are the similarities between goldfish and frogs?

Both goldfishes and frogs may eat their own babies in order to survive.

If you are 16 and pregnant are you an adult in the state of Kentucky?

Then you're 16, pregnant, and an adult?

What do you do with the babies when the goldfish have them?

Goldfish are egg scatterers. They will normally eat most of the eggs if the adult fish are not removed from the spawing area/tank/pond. The few ova that are not eaten may develop into fry which also may be eaten. Whatever fish survive can be sold or kept depending on the amount of room available, remembering that one goldfish needs at least 10 gallons all to itself.