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It fly's through the air using the fire to push down on the earth and propel it self forward


Fuel and oxidizer are first injected into a nozzle ( first a converging section, then the throat, and finally diverging section), and a thrust proportional to the mass flow rate, exit velocity, exit pressure, and ambient pressure is exerted on the rocket. The rocket will generally have a inertial navigation system on board to acquire position and attitude data. This data will be used as input in a correctional system to keep the rocket on track. Many rockets are used to transport cargo to space, while some are used to carry weapons in their payload space.

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Q: What does a rocket do when it takes off?
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What happens to the weight of a rocket when it takes off?

The mass of the rocket decreases as fuel burns.

When does the rocket take off in Pokemon?

In the game, the rocket never takes off '-_- The only reason it exists is because of Decoys

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What are the things that decrease as a rocket lifts off the ground?

The first thing that decreases when the rocket takes off the ground is the hybrid fuel in the large tanks attached with it. As it takes off and approaches to the outer atmospheric line the tanks attached are detached and then the boosters come off from the rockets. Thus it decreases the number of accessory parts after the take off.

What happens to the gases when the rocket takes off?

Gas is thrusted downward out of the rocket, which in turn (because of Newton's third law) pushes the rocket upward. The gas, which has already combusted, mixes with the air

What s a reusable vehicle that takes off like a rocket and land like a plane?

Space shuttle (retired).

Is a reusable vehcial that takes off like a rocket and lands like an airplane?

The space shuttles fit that description.

What are the forces when a spacecraft takes off?

Thrust is the force that propels a rocket or spacecraft and is measured in pounds, kilograms or Newtons.

What does the rocket takeoff from?

Your question is very broad. One of the things a rocket takes off from is called a launch pad. Launch pads are the place where rockets take off. But the things that cause it to take off are completely different. A rocket takes off or 'launches' from a concept called thrust. Thrust is when say I have a ten pound ball that I want to throw directly up in the air. I need to create 10 pounds of energy to launch it and then enough energy to actually get it to where I want to go. Those are the basic things that make a rocket launch.

How does a rocket stay in the air and not go off in space?

It takes a lot of energy to put a rocket "into space". Most rockets don't have that kind of energy available, so it's not really an issue.

The Space Shuttle takes off like a ............flies around the earth like a........... and lands like an?

the space shuttle takes off like a rocket flies around the earth like a bird and lands like an airoplane

How long does it take to get to the moon by rocket?

it takes 13 hours to get to the moon by a rocket