

What does a shovel look like?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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14y ago

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"it looks like a person with a monkey on the head" -jp, age 5 i would suggest searching for it on Google images (go to and click on images then type "shovel" into the search box) good luck

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14y ago
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Q: What does a shovel look like?
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Although I couldn't find a combination tool with both a hand shovel and a rake I did find a patent so look for a product on the market like this soon. You can find out more about the patent here-

On summer resort episode 4 where is the shovel?

Okay to find the shovel in summer resort episode 4, all you have to do it well look at where Mojo is and then well go to him (He is near the trading coconut huts, next to circle of umbrellas where the crab is), Well go to Mojo, then there is this huge square gap on the right up and a mat, under there is a orange shovel, you go to the map and pick up the shovel, and there you go, you have a shovel