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Probably a sinus infection - consult a doctor or a pharmacist.

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Q: What does blood found in nasal mucus mean?
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What does clear nasal mucus mean?

Clear nasal mucus or, "snot", is usually associated with allergies. If your nasal mucus is green or yellow you may have an infection and should see a doctor.

What does 'bijuu' mean in English?

(liquid) nasal mucus; nasal discharge; pituita; snot;

What does nasal mean?

Nasal, in medical terms, usually refers to the nose, so for example, nasal congestion would be a lot of mucus in the nose. Think of it as how cardiac means related to the heart area.

What does it mean when there is blood in your mucus from a cold?

Call your doctor

What is the color of mucus?

Mucus can sometimes be yellow or if you have a virus it can be yellow with blood spots in it( this could just mean your throat is irritated)

What does it mean when you have fluid building up in the back of your throat but you cant cough it up?

The liquid that is building up at the back of the throat is actually mucus (sometime referred to as phlegm). This symptom is known as post nasal drip. Post Nasal Drip results due to your body being unable to get rid of mucus regularly, usually due to nasal or sinus congestion. Thus the mucus is forced down the back of the throat. When the mucus become trapped in the sinuses/nose it gets thicker, and it is this thicker tenacious mucus that is getting stuck on the back of your throat. You can try mucinex or sinuswars2 to treat this problem. Post Nasal Drip foten also causes throat irritation, throat infection and chronic coughs.

What does the word 'booger' mean?

A booger is a piece of dried Nasal Mucus...You should use a tissue to get it out of your nose instead of your finger but either way it come out...(I prefer a tissue) =P

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What does a clear film of mucus with your period and a light brown colour mean?

(delicate question with some gross factor) just means the blood is older.

What does the word nasal mean?

To do with the nose.

What does it mean if you had a light period for 3 days then two days later you got light blood with thick white mucus-gel?

This may mean that you are pregnant. You need to do a pregnancy test.