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Adjective, Definition: prudent: taking into consideration all possible circumstances and consequences before acting.

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In looking about and carefully considering all related circumstances before acting.

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Q: What does circumspection mean?
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What is circumspection?

the unwillingness to take risks. Prime synonym: vigilant

What is a noun for circumspect?

The noun form of the adjective 'circumspect' is circumspection.

How do you spell the word that means with caution?

The adverb form is "cautiously" (carefully, tentatively). The related noun is circumspection, meaning caution or prudence.

What is La desinvolture et la discretion?

la désinvolture: carelessness, nonchalance la discrétion: discretion, circumspection

What is the opposite of punity?

There is no word punity. The word "impunity" means no fear of punishment or retribution. The opposite of impunity could be circumspection, caution not to incur any liability.

What are synonyms for caution?

care, discretion, heed, prudence, vigilance, alertness, forethought, circumspection, reprimand, warning, injunction, admonition, uge, alert, tip off, forewarn

Use circumspect in a sentence?

She is under circumspection of an efficient doctor till her recovery.

List 20 words that end in tion?

Redemption, seduction, prevention, inspection, circumspection, introduction, station, ration, elation, inhalation, exhalation, notion, friction, abortion, nation, motion, solution, bastion, exemption, apparition.

What are some other words for caution?

Another word or synonym for caution would be admonishment, admonition, advice, alarm, alert, calculation, cautiousness, caveat, circumspection, concern, cunctation, discretion, forethought, observance, portent, prudence, vigilance, wariness, warning, watchfulness.

How do you use circumspect in a sentence?

Circumspect is an adjective, not a verb. Example: He had a reputation of being extremely circumspect in difficult circumstances. It can also be used as a noun: The detective used circumspection in questioning suspects in murder cases. And as an adverb: He acted circumspectly with the queen when she asked about his father.

What are synonyms for discretion?

discretionnoun1 you can rely on his discretion circumspection, carefulness, caution, wariness, chariness, guardedness; tact, tactfulness, diplomacy, delicacy, sensitivity, prudence, judiciousness.2 his sentence would be determined at the discretion of the court choice, option, preference, disposition, volition; pleasure, liking, wish, will, inclination, desire.

What religion do they believe in India?

Hindus worship Brahman. His four heads symbolize his circumspection and ability to see to the North, South, East, and West. He is also considered to be heaven or spiritual enlightenment. Also, different sects of Hinduism have their own different gods, who also equate to Brahman. I'm a Presbyterian Christian, so this is just what I learned in history class.