

What does ecosistem mean?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What does ecosistem mean?
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the 2 main branch is ecology means ecosistem while the one is neutral meas natural or means true

What kind of ecosistem has more biological diversity that any other ecosistem?

Ecosystem may be natural of managed. Example of natural ecosystems are rainforests, coral reef, mangrove swamps, ponds, rivers, and grassland. Example of managed ecosystem are cropfields, fishponds, and fruit orchards.

Why are spotted hyenas important to the ecosistem?

They act as part of natures "garbage disposal" team. The eat dead meat and help decompose rotting carcasses (this is a GOOD thing, however disgusting)

What term defines the non living components of an ecosystem such as climate water?

Abiotic - The nonlinving components of an ecosistem or enviroment are the abiotic factors, this are nonliving chemicals and physical factors in the environment that affect the ecosystems.The non-living components of an ecosystem are known as abiotic.

What term defines the non-living components of an ecosystem such as climate water and soil?

Abiotic factors

How could protecting the producers of an ecosystem affect the entire ecosystem?

Because they are the base of our food chain, primary consumers such as herbivores (plant eaters) eat producers when secondary consumers (omnivores) eat those and finally tertiary consumers eat those.tertiary consumers consist of people,bears,etc.

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It mean what you don't what does it mean.