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Endothermic means more energy goes into a reaction than the reaction gives off. It tends to absorb heat (feel cool).

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Q: What does endothemic mean?
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Why do endothemic reactions take in heat?

an endothemic reation is two small particles which are bonds to crate heat

What is the difference between endothemic and exothemic?

The difference is that the endothemic change is when energy is absorbed from the substance and exothermic change is when energy is removed or taken out of the substance.

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Is burning sugar endothemic process?

No, burning sugar is exothermic.

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What are exothermic and endothemic reaction?

And endothermic (if that's what you meant) reaction is one that requires heat to proceed. The system absorbs the heat in order to progress.We show no listings for "endothemic" though.

Is sweat endothermic or exothermic?

endothemic because it reduces temperature of skin by evaporating. reducing is the key word

How might ou cause an endothemic chemical change to begin and keep going?

By heat , the more you add the more it keep going on

What is thermal reactions?

An Exothermal reaction is a chemical reaction that produces heat making the solution warm or hot. It is the opposite of an Endothemic reaction which makes the solution colder.

What is ex thermal reaction?

An Exothermal reaction is a chemical reaction that produces heat making the solution warm or hot. It is the opposite of an Endothemic reaction which makes the solution colder.

What is the difference between an exothermic and an endothermic chemical reaction?

Nothing to explain; that is the way EXO- and ENDOthemic reactions are called by definition

What is a type of chemical reaction where the energy of the products is less than the energy of the reactants?

When a reaction has products that have a lower temperature than the reactants did, the reaction is endothermic.