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9y ago

An extensor is a muscle that straightens a joint.

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Q: What does extension do in relation to muscle movements?
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Agonists in knee extension?

An agonist muscle is a muscle that plays a part in the extension of a muscle. The agonist muscles for a knee extension are the quadriceps and hamstrings.

What is the function of a ligament in relation to movement?

Ligaments provide stability to a joint during both rest and movement. Excessive movements such as hyper-extension or hyper-flexion can be restricted by ligaments. Also, ligaments prevent movements in some directions.

What are the complex muscle movements?

Complex muscle movements is the ability for the muscles to move to the desired directions.

What are the two movements the muscles can do?

extension, contraction

How does an over-extension of a muscle feel?

The over-extension of a muscle might feel like burning or pain in the muscle. After the exercise, the muscle can feel sore or even swollen.

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when you bend your elbow, what is the triceps muscle acting as in relation to the biceps muscle

What is The loss of sensation and voluntary muscle movements in a muscle is known as?

Type your answer here... hat is The loss of sensation and voluntary muscle movements in a muscle is known as?

What is the difference between muscle flexing and muscle extension?

Inn other words muscle flexing can be called muscle shortening and extension when muscle is elongating. For example when you bend you arm towards your shoulder your bicep muscle is shortening and you can feel a bump. When you extend your arm you can feel that the bump is stretching out and disappearing, that is muscle extension.

Why are there more indirect- that is tendinous- muscle attachments to bone than there are direct attachments?

Tendons are very flexible, and also very resistant to extension. If arm muscle tissue was directly attached to the bone, then extreme movements would very easily tear the tissues and damage the muscle.

What muscle group does extension of the knee?

Quadriceps muscle or thigh muscle.

What is the main function of muscle cells?

involuntary muscle movements

Does muscle length change during isometric movements?

No, the length of the muscle fibers does not change. In isotonic movements is when the length changes.