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If you are pregnant and you are bleeding you need to go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) as soon ap possible.

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Q: What does fresh blood look like in 4th week of pregnancy if your bleeding?
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Can you do pregnancy test while you are bleeding like you were in your period but you were in your early pregnancy?

Yes! hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone produced only during pregnancy. It is in your blood and urine regardless if you are bleeding or not.

Can a pregnancy test show positive while experiencing vaginal bleeding bleeding?

Any pregnancy bleeding is scary, even though about a quarter of pregnant women experience some bleeding. Pregnancy bleeding is sometimes just spotting. Pregnancy spotting is not heavy bleeding and should not soak through a maxi pad. Spotting is a very light flow as if in the last or first days of normal period cycle. In addition, it should only occur during the first trimester of your pregnancy. There should be no bleeding in the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy. Pregnancy bleeding can be more serious and can signify a serious problem. Bleeding may be a sign of early or preterm labor. It can also be a symptom of an infection in the cervix. It is important to call your health care provider right away any time you have pregnancy bleeding, and tell them how much you are bleeding, for how long, and what the blood looks like.

What is a different from pregnancy bleeding and the regular periods?

early pregnancy bleeding will probably be more irregular if you are used to a regular cycle, it will be lighter and shortr than a normal period usually, probably a more pinkier or brownish color, none or little clotting, smells different from a normal period, early pregnancy bleeding and periods can be such a pain to tell apart sometimes, and everybody is different most times it can be separated because it has those considerable differences

When you bleed during pregnancy vaginal bleedingwill it be alot of blood?

It depends like if you are spotting lightly it can be a sign of threatened abortion, if you have painless vaginal bleeding that is placenta previa but when you have severe vaginal bleeding that is abruptio placenta.

Is it normal that in a pregnancy you get two drops of blood but no pain?

It could be - if you are using hormonal birth control (like the Pill) it could also be break-through or withdrawal bleeding.

What if you are bleeding merlot red blood?

Sounds like you have healthy blood.

What is wrong if you are two weeks late and then you bleed a brownish color and then it turns to dark red and starts to taper off the next day?

Nothing is wrong. You can call your doctor to be sure. Good luck and God Bless:) Hi, This sounds like it could be pregnancy bleeding. Known as early pregnancy bleeding or implantation bleeding. Do a pregnancy test now because your 2 weeks late for you period or see your doctor for a blood test.

Positive pregnancy result 5 days later bleeding and negative result week later yolk like mucus could you be ovulating again so soon?

You need to confirm the positive pregnancy test result with your Doctor. See your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test. Pregnancy does cause a increase in vaginal discharge.

Is any kind of clotted like blood normal during th 1st trimester of pregnancy?

I got pregnant twice and during my first trimester i had spotting and slight bleeding. And they were both signs of tubal pregnancy which is the fertilised egg implants in the tubes but not in the uterus. So I lost both of the pregnancies. I am 4 weeks pregnant again and i am hoping i will have a healthy pregnancy. I will freak out if any spotting or bleeding starts.

You had a period on Jan 21 your period is not due til feb 12th you started bleeding a very light red color yesterday feb 5th am still bleeding but not like my normal periods is this implantation?

Hi, This could be implantation bleeding. If it is IB you can perform a pregnancy test in 2 weeks or alternatively see your doctor for a quantitative beta hcg pregnancy blood test now. Answer Hi Implantation bleeding can be red/brown/pink its tiny bit of blood which can happen up2 3days. it stays light it doesn't go heavy. It can be stringy/ thick 1 in 3 women get it I got it mine was stringy pink blood in discharge.

Is it OK to bleed in early pregnancy for 8 days almost like a period?

You should contact your doctor for any bleeding during a pregnancy.

What causes decidual bleeding during pregnancy?

Decidual BleedingOne of the most common causes of period-like bleeding during pregnancy is called decidual bleeding. Sometimes, during pregnancy, your body's hormones can get out of whack, causing you to lose parts of the lining of your uterus. This is especially common in the early stages of pregnancy, before the lining has completely attached to the placenta. While it can be troublesome to think about shedding part if your uterine lining, decidual bleeding is generally not thought to be a health threat to you or your baby. There are a number of other reasons why bleeding during pregnancy may occur. Most of them present little health risk to you and your little one. However, bleeding can sometimes indicate a complication with your pregnancy. If you are pregnant, it is important to be aware of your bleeding. If you experience any abnormal bleeding at any point during your pregnancy, contact your health care provider immediately.