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Q: What does gravity do in the protostar?
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Why does the temperature of a protostar increase?

As gravity pulls more material toward the center of the protostar, the pressure inside the protostar builds.

Why doesnt a protostar form a black hole?

The pressure within a protostar counters gravity and prevents the star from collapsing further.

What causes interstellar dust and gas to start to contract and form a protostar?

A protostar forms when gravity pulls the dust and gases in a nebula together.

What is the source of energy as a star evolves from an interstellar cloud to the protostar stage?


When does a protostar become a star?

The basic idea is that the protostar contracts, under the influence of gravity, until it gets dense and hot enough to undergo nuclear fusion. You can find more details at the Wikipedia article "Protostar".

What is matter from nebula that has begun to condense under the weight of gravity to begin formation of star?


What happens to the surface temperature and luminosity when gravity first assembles a protostar from a collapsing cloud?

Its surface temperature and luminosity increase.

What is generated by the pressure caused by gravity inside a protostar?

Intense heat. If you are looking for the answer to a crossword puzzle it may just be "heat".

How does a nebula form into a prostar?

The basic idea is that it is pulled together by its own gravity. For more details, check the Wikipedia article on "protostar".

What happens to a protostar to eventually form a main sequence star?

It must collect enough mass in order for gravity to be able to turn it into a sphere.

How is a protostar different from a star?

A star begins its life as a ball of gas and dust. Gravity pulls the gas and dust into a spere. As the sphere becomes denser, it gets hotter and eventually reaches temperature of about 10,000,000 Celsius in its center. As hydrogen combines into helium, energy is released in a precess called neclear fusion.

Do protostars form when gravity causes dense parts of a star-forming nebulae to expand?

No. A protostar forms when gravity causes dense parts of a nebula to collapse. Since gravity is an attractive force it does not make any sense that it would cause something to expand.