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sry hunny but ur husband has either hetibees or sumthing like dhatt he needs some medicine for his out breaks go to the dr n get help foor him if yu love him that is but dont take my werd for it go to the hosptial for that it can lead to serious complactions im 15 with a freiend whos brother has hertibees and he is onliii a yr older than me and he has great potential

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Q: What does husband has a blister like oozing puss near rectum?
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Actually, it sounds like a blood blister. In what way is it NOT like a blood blister? More info please.

Does blister have a short vowel sound?

Yes, the word "blister" has a short vowel sound. The "i" in "blister" is pronounced like the "i" in "sit" or "it."

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A gorged tick can look like a big, grey blister.

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Exact same thing just happened to me, hence the research.

Why my is my rectum so loose no sex or anything like that?

Prolonged dysentry can make ur rectum muscles loose.Homeopathy medicines are there to recover from weak and loose rectum.

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You may put a thin layer of ointment like aloe vera after your blister has broken and is running.

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You are on the nuva ring and now have a blister is this normal?

Your question is missing some information, like the location of the blister, but I can't think of any way that a blister would be related to Nuva Ring. Please see your health care provider in the next two days if the blister is in the genital area.

What causes a bilster?

When u burn any part of your body, like how i burned my thumb (with hot water), you will eventually get a blister. Avoid popping the blister!!

What are the many painful things called in the rectum that feels like a pair of pliers are twisting something in your rectum?

They are called hemorrhoids.

How can make anus long?

First, you probably mean the rectum, which is inside the body. The anus is the opening to the rectum. But.. You can't make the rectum 'longer'. It's like asking, How can I make my finger longer? or asking, How can I make my nose grow? The rectum like the anus can be stretched in width but not lengthened. Important--- The rectum and anus can be permanently damaged. That damage can result in constipation and leaking of softer stool.

What does the rectum have to do in digestion?

the rectum is like a bag or container that stores the waste materials the human body does not need.when it is full, it releases everything in it.