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well the prefix, hyper, means over or excessive and allergenic is to be allergic to some thing so hyper allergenic is to be allergic to almost everything or most things or for something to cause an allergic reaction.

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Q: What does hyperallergenic mean?
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No. No dog breed istrulyhyper-allergenic. They all shed and they all have saliva.Papillons are low to moderate shedders.

Are bichon frise non allergic?

They are hyperallergenic (people cant be allergic to them) because they have hair, not fur like most dogs do. But they can have allergies of their own. For example, mine is allergic to chicken. Its not life threatening or anything but it just makes her extremely itchy.

Where can you rescue hyperallergenic dogs?

You can check your local shelter and let them know to alert you when a certain breed arrives. Also, web-sites for the big pet stores like & have a link to an online database of all dogs looking to be adopted. You can pick the breed you are looking to adopt and see all of the dogs available. Also, check out Rogers Rescues. Typically you have to apply to the different rescue groups, be approved to adopt & then you can either adopt a dog that they presently have or be put on a list for future dogs that come in.

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Truth is they are not. If you go to and type in hypoallergenic dogs, you can click on a site and look at lists of dogs. Just to let you know most hypoallergenic dogs are not very cute. They are mostly Fluffy dogs. -if anyone knows of cute hypoallergenic dogs, please leave a comment about my answer.

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Do you say 'what does it mean' or 'what is it mean'?

The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"