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Natural gas is a fossil fuel found underground. Fossil fuel means it was made from the formation of plants decomposing over millions of years.

Therefore there is only so much of it in the earth and once we have used it all we will have to wait for millions more years for more to form.

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10y ago

Gasoline (petrol) is made from crude oil, which was made from deposits of dead plants and animals deep in the earth over millions of years. Whenever we burn some, it's gone forever. Once we use up the earth's supply, it will take the earth millions of years to make more.

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It means that they cannot be used again, and cannot be "new"

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Q: What does it mean for fossil fuels to be nonrenewable resources?
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What is the energy resources that cannot be replaced or are replaced more slowly than they are used?

Do you mean nonrenewable resources? Nonrenewable resources are thing like gasoline and other fossil fuels.

What does fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable energy resources mean?

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What does renwable mean in science?

It means that the resource being discussed is able to renew itself and should not ever run out. For example, trees, water, and plants. However, nonrenewable resources are coal and fossil fuels because there is only a certain amount on the world and it has no way of reproducing it. Ultimately, renewable resources virtually should last forever.

What does the word fossil fuels mean?

Crude oil, gas, coal are three examples of fossil fuels. Once used, they can't be replaced by humans.

What does Alternative energy cannot effectively replace fossil fuels mean?

It means there is no alternative energy source that can ween humanity off of fossil fuels. Which is presently true, however, given almost every developed nation is pooling their resources to replace fossil fuels, that isn't a timeless answer. Before the latter half of this century, gasoline and every other form, will or begin to exist only in history.

What does fossil fuels mean?

Fossil fuels are the sources of energy formed millions of years ago under the ground (coal, oil and natural gas).

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Ancient Sunlight is essentially Oil and fossil fuels.

Does coal oil same as fossil fuels?

I believe you mean coal bed gas or coal bed methane which is a fossil fuel.