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It probably means he really likes you and you aren't making it very easy on him. The next time smile and perhaps walk over to him and talk. Sounds like both of you are very shy. If you like him, then go talk Well i would want him to talk to me if he really want to go with me and i would want him to talk to me and understand up for his self and i think that he like me now and i thimk that he need to tell me and maybe i would know and he look at me all the time and i be thinking that he really like me and he have a lot og feeling for me and and we be on the fone togather all the time and we also be texting and have fun on the fone togatherand every thing else togather but i would not take it serious.

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Q: What does it mean if a boy always stares at you but does not look away when you look but you always turn away because you get embarrassed and it has been happening for over a year?
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What does it mean when a boy always stares into your eyes and is nice to you but never talk to you?

it means he likes you and is embarrassed to tell you

Does a boy like you if he always stares at you?

Well. sometimes it can happen if he stares at you , and you look at him when he stares he might look away because he can be shy

What does it mean we a guy stares at you a lot but doesn't know you?

I think when a guy stares at you and you dont know him that well it's because he might Like you because right now the same thing is happening to me.

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It means he is embarrassed and hurt.

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It means that he likes you, but hes embarrassed about it.

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes and is nice to you and when he's with his friends he acts different?

it means he is embarrassed to tell his friends he likes you!

What if the guy you like notice you stares at him but doesn't look away?

He's either not embarrassed to see you staring or just creepy.

What does it mean when a guy stares anthen looks at the floor?

When you caught him looking at you it probably embarrassed him or he didn't want you to think he was staring at you.

Why does this boy always stare and smile at you?

he stares and smiles because he likes you, no offense but you could have figured this out on your own

What are some signs a guy will show if he's flirting with you?

He always wants to be around you. He talks to you more than his friends. He stares at you. He plays rough with you. He tickles you. He smiles when you catch him looking at you and gets embarrassed. He shows off when you're around.

What does that mean if the guy you like stares at you and holds it and smiles and looks embarrassed or something?

He most likely likes you!!!! Many guys who hold the stare with a girl and smile than look embarrassed really like the girl, but don't want to say anything to her because they are afraid they don't like them back.

Does a guy like you if he always stares at you?

Most likely but be carefully if he looking all the time because he could be a bit crazy.