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Oh my goodness, I've been in this situation hundreds of times before, and let me tell you, I know how you feel. I was in a deep rut with my classmates, they weren't talking to me, they didn't include me in anything, and they didn't invite me to their parties. I got bullied by a large group of people, and though people saw, no one stuck up for me. If I tried to stand up for myself, people who heard would tell everyone that I was the bad person in that scenario.

Don't listen to those jerks. People care about you. If they don't treat you nice, why should you treat them any different? Just ignore them. Don't talk back as you'll just give them another excuse to dislike you. If I were you, I would go to your teacher or parent and tell them what is happening, as you know you're family will always be there for you and love you no matter what you say to them. Don't get any ideas though!

If they don't do anything about it, stick up for yourself. Tell them that you're not having any of it, and if they want to bully you or leave you out of things, then they can just start being nice or else leave you alone. I'm sure they'll listen, and if not, just carry on and act like they're not there. Perhaps treat them the same way they treat you, and that will make them stop and think when they get a taste of their own medicine.

If all else fails and they still hurt you, then retaliate by saying "Treat others the way you yourself would like to be treated" or "There is no I in team, but there is one in telling". I'm sure they wont be able to think of a comeback!

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What it means is that you are ether doing something wrong or just being flat out annoying just be yourself and be polite to everyone that you think hates you. And god bless.

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Q: What does it mean if you feel like everyone hates you and nobody cares about you?
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How do you know if people dislike you, if you just feel peole don't know truley...try and make some friends!

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