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Well, this could be a sign that your body is changing, a reaction to a change in diet, or weight gain or loss or it could be a sign of a more serious problem. There's no one answer for the problem you are describing. Please contact a medical professional for an exam and assistance with your specific problem.

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12y ago

Brown blood is old blood & usually occurs at the begining of your period or towards the end of your period. It can also occur a few days after your period finished. Black blood is exactly the same, except for this is blood that's been released which contains a lot of Hemoglobin which gives blood its red colour. This can occur after a heavy period or irregular period with varying cycles. If concerned then see your Doctor as a examination would be a good idea as this has been going on for 2 months now.

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14y ago

This probably is just a slightly irregular period, no cause for cocern- it is very normal to have your period to start and stop occasionly or have it be brown. If you are having your period, you are not pregnant.

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Q: What does it mean if you got your period for a month and afterward for a week you had brown discharge and now it's turning red like a period and you have never had 2 periods in one month?
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Why has your discharge turned white you havent started your periods?

You'll have white discharge for about 6 months to 1 year, then you'll start your period.

Can hamsters have a period?

They don't have periods, but they do come in heat. When in heat, they will let out some yellow discharge.

When you have a little bit of white discharge does that mean when you get on your period you will have a little bit of blood coming out your virgina?

No, apart from a girls first period when she can get an amount of discharge being a sign of comming of age and her period on it's way. Periods are not genrally related to Discharge apart from that first time.

Meth urinary discharge?

this may mean u are going to start ur periods or come on your period

Does having discharge means your period is coming?

No, having discharge doesn't mean your period is coming.You start getting discharge as you enter puberty - your first period will start within four years of starting puberty, but just having discharge isn't an indicator of your period coming any time soon. During your menstrual cycles discharge changes due to hormonal changes so you may notice fertile cervical mucus or heavier discharge as a sign your period is on it's way but if you're new to menstruation it may be hard to spot these changes. You may get pink or brown discharge leading up to your period too, this is called spotting, but you may not always see this.

Im 13 have discharge a little bit of armpit hair genital hair breast development but no cramps what else should you experience how close am i and i have had the discharge for over 2 years.?

The discharge can just mean that your hormones are changing, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to get your periods. If you already have your periods, the discharge can be from a stage in your menstrual period when your period finish, and eggs are produced. Also, it doesn't matter how long you've had the discharge for, because before I got my periods for the first time, i had it for over 3 years. Hope this helps :)

Is periods and urine discharge from same hole?

No, urine is discharged from the ureathra and period is discharged through the vaginal canal.

How long do you have discharge before your first period starts?

Girls usually have discharge for about 6 months to a year before starting her first period but it can vary from girl to girl. Some girls can have discharge for only about 3-4 months before getting their first periods as others may have discharge for about 2 years before they start.

How do you when you start your period?

When you go to the bathroom you will notice a tinted discharge or blood when you wipe or in your underwear. Although this may be your first period, your periods may not be consistent for a good while after that.

Is it normal to only get the brown discharge instead of your period for the last two months for a virgin teenager?

yes its normal , if your period is late you can have brown discharge also it happens after periods and it mean its cleaning out your vagina and old blood looks brown.

I have heard that about 2 to 3 weeks after you get the egg-white vaginal discharge you are meant to get your period but I have had it for 2 to 3 months and there's no sign of my period is this normal?

The white discharge you are having , has nothing to do with periods , it s more likely you have a vaginal infection.

Your period is late and you start having stretchy clear gel like in your underwear what does it mean?

that's discharge, it means your periods on its way