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clear discharge can secrete everyday for some people, especially if you are sexually active, however, because discharge is a form of cleansing the body, i would say you should drink plenty of water if you dont already (8 glasses a day)or it may be the start of a yeast infection which is very normal and common. clear discharge that doesnt have a smell is nothing to worry about, its only if its smelly and thick

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Q: What does it mean if you have your normal clear discharge for a week longer than you usually have it?
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Related questions

What is the normal color of discharge?

The color that is healthy and the normal for discharge is either white and thick or clear at times.

What happens when you have clear discharge when you are pregnant?

Clear discharge during pregnancy is very normal and nothing to be alarmed about. If the discharge is excessive, wear a thin panty liner to absorb the discharge.

Does your discharge have to be white or can it be clear?

It doesn't have to be white, it can be clear and that's normal. Discharge maybe white, stringy, clear, cloudy white and/or yellow when dried on clothing.

Is leaking a small amount of clear fluid from my breasts normal?

It could be normal. During pregnancy you usually have more discharge and they usually vary from watery to thick. If it concerns too much you ask your doctor about it.

Is it normal to have clear discharge after your period?

Yes. This is perfectly normal and you shouldn't worry about it. Its actually normal to have it until your next period starts!

If you have never had a period and usually have clear white discharge which have had for ten months two days ago it turned brown and don't know if it is the period or just discharge?

Yes, that brown discharge is the start of your first period. It may be brown, red, or a bit orange-colored. All of these are normal.

What could cost you are having pain on your left side and clear vaginal discharge?

A small amount of clear vaginal discharge is normal. However if the discharge is noticeably more it can be a sign of infection such as vaginitis if pain is accompanying. Flank pain is usually associated with kidney stone and/or a urinary tract infection. Your gynecologist who knows your history will be better able to diagnosis this problem.

Why do i have clear vaginal discharge dripping out?

It means ur around a week away and it is totally normal

Is it normal to have discharge after you've had your period?

Yes, It's normal to have an ocassional spot of blood sometimes two days after your peiriod, clear is also normal.

Is it normal to have white or clear discharge before your period starts and cramps anywhere on your body?

Yes it is normal. Thick white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Clear and stretchy discharge is 'fertile' mucous and means you are ovulating. It is not normal if the discharge is accompanied by itching. If itching is present your discharge could indicate a yeast infection.

Is white discharge a sign of a yeast infection?

White discharge without itching or burning is not a sign of a yeast infection if the discharge is no different from your usual discharge. Women normally have clear or white discharge every day, and this normal discharge is not sign of an infection.

What does a clear discharge from your vagina mean?

That is normal. All openings in your body that have an 'outside', produce a discharge. It is usually made of mucous. You probably have noticed that your nose and mouth are moist like this. If the openings were dry, it could cause problems.The discharge keeps things moist and also move things out. When you breathe in, the clear discharge traps pollen and dirt and they come out on their own and when you sneeze or blow your nose. The same is true of the vagina.