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It means you need to go to the doctor.

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Q: What does it mean if you heart pounds hard not fast after eating or trying to sleep?
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What happens to your heart when you sleep?

Your heart beats slowly when you sleep.

Does your heart help you sleep?

no your heart don't make you sleep

Can hypnosis cure sleep apnea?

No. Hypnosis can be used for treatment of psychological conditions such as slepplessness due to anxiety, but sleep apnea is a physical condition. Trying to treat sleep apnea with hypnosis would be like trying to cure a heart condition with hypnosis - it's just the wrong kind of treatment.

Is it possible to dream about trying to sleep?

Yes, it is possible to dream about trying to sleep.

What are some of the causes of sleep eating?

Some causes of sleep eating are staying up too late into the night, starvation, or obesity. These reasons are the top 3 reasons for the causing of sleep eating.

Does eating heavy cause nightmares?

you shouldn't eat anything 4 hours before yoiu want to go to sleep because while you sleep then your body is not resting it is too busy trying to digest food. you are getting a restless sleep then and can remember your dreams.

What other sleep activities are there?

Sleep walking, sleep talking, sleep eating, and sleep sex are all known sleep activities.

What if your heart is sleep?


Is it life threatening when you sleep after eating?


What do koalas do when they are not eating?

Sleep or mate

Is it better to breathe in cold air vs hot air when you sleep?

trying to lose weight sleep in cold, trying to gain weight sleep in hot.

Can sleep apnea cause enlarged heart?

Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder whereby the pharynx closes causing the patient to gasp or even stop breathing in their sleep. Yes, obstructive sleep apnea can cause an enlarged and thickened heart.