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it means he's either trying to make you jealous or he doesn't want you back

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Q: What does it mean if your ex-bf tells you that he is very happy and comfortable with his new girlfriend?
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How do you ask your exbf if he is still interested in you?

Get together and talk with him, let him know how you feel and then see how he responds.

If you find the profile of your exbf on a dating website does it mean he is over you?

Oh yes, hes over you. and looking elsewhere.

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Nothing - I wouldn't read too much into it.

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The guy is not even thinking about you. You have to face it. Sadly people always want what they can't have and if this exbf was all over you then you would probably be running away or treating him with mild contempt. You have to find happiness in your life without a man to make you happy. It is a cliche but it is something I have learned from experience... you think you are in love with ex but it is basically a feeling of loss, confusion and sadness that you are mistaking for love. Give dating a break, focus on friends, hobbies, work and your own world that YOU control. Dont ever let a man or anyone else determine your happiness level. You are worth more than that.

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do it with everyone u can to get un pregnant

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Sweet guy. Do you like anyone else? If you still like him or don't, tell him he doesn't have to commit to you and if you miss him tell him you guys can be "friends" that hang out ALOT!

How do you break up with a sensative guy?

Be straight forward and just tell him that you two aren't going to work out. He will get hurt anyway and have to deal with it. Source: personal experience. I was too afraid to break up with my exbf because i'd knew he'd cry in front of me. Well he did, but I am better off without him.

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go to and she will give you excellent advice on that problem, or any other problem you have.

Who is Jerica Isom?

Well a chic that is sittiNG RIGHT BESIDE ME...(To the Left).... She lives one block away from me(: Joy! She has a boy freind(she can dream cant she:( His name is Cody.. Her exbf is Kyle( she hates it when I talk about him and she wants to cry and kill me:((() well she is a good singer I think that is good nuff:)) Nuff said

Do divorce lawyers suggest to exspouses not to date having small child till is older n is this a reason that your xbf cant be in a serious relationship Why he ask you out What to do if you miss exbf?

that's almost exactly what my divorce lawyer Seamus O'Finnegan said to me, 2 hours into his second attempt to break the world record for holding your breath in peanuts.

How do you try to get exbf back if both talked that saw potential in relationship and he changed from being eager 2C me one day to the next to suddenly breaking up says that still cares for me?

If he is that unstable or undecided, it will be very difficult to create a relationship that is lasting or dependable. You would probably be better served by investing the time finding another relationship.

Why is Exbf responding to your text messages n writes back asking how things are w you He still likes u although he cant be with you n you feel excited when he texts back n u think he misses u?

Feelings don't just go away because you cannot be together however, that doesn't mean you will get back together either.