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It may be trying to attract another fish to breed or it may simply be dying. That depends on the species of the fish and the type of "wiggle". The basic rules of fishkeeping are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. (This converts deadly Ammonia into none deadly Nitrate):- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. (This prevents a build up of excessive Nitrate.) Follow the above rules and your fish stand a chance. Fail in any of them and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will live a shortened lifespan

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14y ago

Becasue that is the body movement they make in order to swim and when they are caught their instinct is to try and swim away, just as people try to run away from danger.

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Q: What does it mean when a fish wiggles at the bottom of the tank?
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Some fish prefer swimming at the top of the tank while others the bottom or middle.

What does it mean if your tetra neon fish is laying on its side on the bottom of the tank?

It's sick and/or dying.

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they just settle at the bottom of fish tank

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it means they are most likely dead or going to die

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Why is there food floating in the bottom of the fish tank?

This may mean that you are over feeding your fish and they cannot finish what you have put in the tank; reduce the amount of food you give each feeding, and make sure you clean the tank regularly

How did my fish tank magically clean itself?

I suggest that you learn more about your fish in your aquarium. One of your fish might be a bottom sucker which means that they eat all of the dirt on the side or bottom of your tank. If one of your fish are bottom suckers, that's probably the reason why your aquarium is clean. If none of your fish are bottom suckers, than somebody must be secretly cleaning your tank for you.

What does it mean by top feeders and middle feeders?

That refers to where the fish eat; near the surface or towards the bottom of the tank.

Why is your goldfish fish on bottom of tank he is not dead swims around then lies on bottom of tank?

This may mean 3 things: # It may be tired, # It may be sick or injured, # Or it could be near the end of its life.

What happens when you fish sinks to the bottom of the tank?

It dies

What could the jelly substance on the bottom of a fish tank be?

Fish eggs, fish sperm, mold.

Why do fish have to go to the top of the tank to drink water and not the bottom of the tank?

food flaots