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Q: Why do fish have to go to the top of the tank to drink water and not the bottom of the tank?
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Related questions

Is fish tank water poisonous?

It might be unsafe to drink because fish food, fish scales, fish waste, and many different kinds of bacteria are in fish tank water.

Why do your tropical fish stay at the bottom of the tank when you change the water?

Tropical fish stay at the bottom of the tank when the water is changed.Its because fishes feel a change in water, like the temperature and pH value, due to which they get stressed, so they decide to remain in corner or at the bottom of the tank, until they feel they are comfortable.

How do you change fish water?

I gently syphon the water out from the bottom of the tank into a bucket, thereby removing the mulm and poo that have accumulated on the bottom of the tank. Then I use the dirty water to water pot plants etc. I top up the tank by syphoning water that I have heated and prepared with chlorine neutraliser back into the tank from the bucket.

What would you use to measure the amount of water in a fish tank?

Measure the tank. You can get fancy and subtract the thickness of the walls (and the gravel on the bottom).

Fish is floatong to the bottom of the tank and doesn't move a lot?

if u have a fish net gently swirl it around near the bottom of the tank. if he doesn't run away.he might be dead or sick. if there r other fish inthe tank with him moov him to another place even a bowl of water.

If there no weed in your fish-tank were do the eggs go?

they just settle at the bottom of fish tank

Do aquatic snails eat anything other than water weed?

they eat left over fish food on the bottom of the tank (if in tank)

Do Betta fish drink spring water?

Some people do not believe it but the best water to use in your betta fish tank is tap water. Bottled and distilled water has been "purified" and does not have the minerals that your Betta fish needs. If your tap water is so bad that you do not even drink it, than use spring water.

How do you fix the water in fish take if they are laying on bottom after cleaning tank?

Take them out and add what you forgot most of the time is water solution

What do you put in the bottom of your fish tank?


Does your crayfish need rocks when living in a tank?

yes so they can grip the bottom of the tank and they dont slip around

How do you get fish to swimin the middle of tank?

Different types of fish swim in different layers of the water. Top floaters, bottom dwellers and middle swimmers.