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Q: What does it mean when parathyroid-hormone level is 105 and calcium blood levels is 9.7?
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What happens when blood calcium levels keep on increasing?

The calcium is released from bones and absorbed by the kidneys and the intestines, then the blood calcium level increases.

A problem with calcium level in the blood is related to or caused by what gland?

The answer to this is the Parathyroid. The Parathyroid acts to maintain calcium levels in the blood. Thus, if there is a irregularity in the calcium levels, there is also most likely an irregularity in the Parathyroid.

What Hormone responds to high levels of calcium in the blood?

Its Calcitonin , which responds to increase in serum calcium level...But on the other hand Parathhormone increases the serum calcium level....Dr Sindura C.S

Does calcitonin cause a decrease in blood calcium ion levels?

The hormone Calcitonin has the effect of reducing blood calcium levels. The hormone comes from the thyroid gland and works in basically three ways. 1. It works to slow absorption of calcium by the intestine. 2. It also inhibits the osteoclast (cells in bone that break down old bone tissue) that raise blood calcium levels. 3. It causes osteoblast (cells in bone that lay down new bone matrix) to form new bone. This explanation is at it's simplest form of course.

What happens if the blood has an abnormally high level of calcium?

This can cause kidney damage due to your body not being able to handle the high levels OF calcium

Regulate blood calcium levels?

Bones have got very large reserve of calcium. So under the influence of calcitonin hormone and parathyroid hormone, the blood calcium level is maintained in very narrow range. Vitamin D is important for absorption of the calcium and also plays some role in maintaining the blood calcium level.

What increases blood calcium levels?

failure in regulation of calcium level by parathyroid hormone.

A hormone secreted by the parathyroid that raises blood calcium?

The parathyroid glands are responsible for monitoring the calcium level in the blood. When the calcium level is too low, the parathyroids produce parathyroid hormone (PTH) to increase the calcium level in our blood.

Glands or organs produces hormones that tend to decrease blood calcium levels?

The hormone calcitonin acts to reduce blood calcium

Bone remodeling is critical in maintaining?

Osteoclasts which break down existing bone matrix and osteoblasts which lay down new bone matrix in areas that are under the greatest stress such as gravity or where muscles pull on bones.

What chemical causes a decrease in the blood calcium level?

The parathyroid glands (4 of them) secrete parathyroid hormone to increase blood calcium. When the parathyroid glands detect low blood calcium levels, they secrete more parathyroid hormone, which causes the bones to release calcium to the bloodstream, thereby increasing blood calcium levels.

How are calcitonin parathyroid hormone and vitamin D in maintaining blood calcium levels?

The sole function of the parathyroid glands is to maintain the body's calcium level within a very narrow range, so that the nervous and muscular systems can function properly. When blood calcium levels drop below a certain point, calcium-sensing receptors in the parathyroid gland are activated to release hormone into the blood. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH, also known as parathormone) is a small protein that takes part in the control of calcium and phosphate homeostasis, as well as bone physiology. PTH has effects antagonistic to those of calcitonin. PTH increases blood calcium levels by stimulating osteoclasts to break down bone and release calcium. PTH also increases gastrointestinal calcium absorption by activating vitamin D, and promotes calcium uptake by the kidneys.