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Q: What does it mean when you have mucus with blood in it?
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What does it mean when there is blood in your mucus from a cold?

Call your doctor

What is the color of mucus?

Mucus can sometimes be yellow or if you have a virus it can be yellow with blood spots in it( this could just mean your throat is irritated)

What does blood found in nasal mucus mean?

Probably a sinus infection - consult a doctor or a pharmacist.

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What about blood-tinged mucus that follows a normal bowel movement?

Is there mucus and blood in cow's milk?

It is possible for there to be mucus and blood in cow's milk. In fact, most milk that Americans drink contains at least some white blood cells.

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How do you tell when you have your period?

Well, the first stage is, white mucus in your panites. Second is a littlee blood, then, BLOOD BLOOD

What does a clear film of mucus with your period and a light brown colour mean?

(delicate question with some gross factor) just means the blood is older.

These are made by white blood cell to fight diseases?


When baby passing stools blood going with mucus?

this. is not a question

What does it mean if you had a light period for 3 days then two days later you got light blood with thick white mucus-gel?

This may mean that you are pregnant. You need to do a pregnancy test.

What does mean when red muscus comes before your period?

Red mucus is just spotting before your period is about to start. There is normally mucus that plugs-up the opening to the cervix and around menstruation it can be carried out with menstrual flow, the blood is your menstrual flow.