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it means he might like you only if you like him and you tell him

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Q: What does it mean when you txt a boy and ask him if he likes you and he says I do not knowi don't know or i don't know why?
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If a boy talks about you does that mean that he likes you?

obvi you dont know nothing you failure at flirting...

What do you do if a guy who likes you knows that you know but still acts mean to you?

You play it cool. Act as if you dont know he knows.

What does it mean when the guy you like tells you who he likes?

he likes you to or is flirting he may like u but telling u notyourself so you dont know he likes u

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He is mean and likes to hunt humans. But in real life, I dont know.

What does it mean when a guy keeps glancing at you?

It might me he likes you I dont know; a guy i like glanced at me too

What does it mean if a guy who likes you dreams about you?

i dont know really but i do know if you like a guy if you cant talk to him just write a note

If a boy likes ya would he be nice to you and sometimes be abit mean to ya and nevever talk to ya?

If a boy likes you he will defiantly talk to he . yes he will be nice . and if he mean then you should know he dont mean it .

This boy was nice to you and now mean he is never mean to anyone eles but just you and you dont know if he likes you or not?

He does because Whenever someones mean they like you

I really like this girl and I dont know if she likes me how do I know?

Tell her you really like her simple ya i mean that is what girls want to happen because they know!

If you can hold a conversation with a girl that you really dont know for a long time does that mean she likes you?

it can...but it can also just mean that she is really chatty and easy to have a conversation with :)