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It means he is immature. Why did he feel married because you were spending time together, big deal. He obviously has no idea what he is talking about because when your first married you hardly see each other because of jobs and other committments you had before you got married. If he wants space, give him some and let him know how confusing it is to be told one thing, especially something hurtful, to know how it feels.

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16y ago

'Wanting time apart' or 'wanting space,' is a way of giving someone a soft breakup---your boyfriend wants to end the relationship, but he doesn't want to appear to be the bad guy or hurt your feelings. As painful as it is, he is doing the best thing for both of you--would you want him to stay with you if he no longer has the feelings for you he needs to be in a relationship?

I'd suggest letting him know you consider this a breakup and ask him not to contact you for the time being, so that you can deal with your feelings and be able to move on.

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