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it could mean any number of things, they could be into each other and messing around behind your back, or maybe you're reading into it too much and they're just friends that enjoy spending time with each other. ether way talk to them (be cool about it) about your feelings, maybe get other friends to ask them what's going on.

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Q: What does it mean when your boyfriend spends a lot of time with your best friend and they say there best friends and they flirt all the time but deny it?
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What should you do if your boyfriend calls himself your boyfriend to his friends but acts like your friend?

Flirt with him and make some moves.

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flirt with him some more and kill your friend

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you dont, this could cause problems between you and your friend

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well you shouldn't try to make your friends girlfriend like you, but just hang out with her more and flirt on the downlow but let her notice don't let your friend find out and be yourself

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It is definitely not okay! You shouldn't flirt with other people. It relays a message of immaturity and poor self-esteem. Your boyfriend could also break up with you!

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If a girl has a boyfriend and she spends a lot of time staring at other guys she is either just curious or interesting in who they are or she is trying to flirt with them.

Is it bad to flirt with your girlfriend friends?

It will not make your girl friend happy.

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don't flirt yet. try becoming good friends with her and when her boyfriend breaks up with her, you'll be there to comfort her and she'll then FALL FOR YOU, my man

What do you do when your best friend is pissed at you for fluriting with her boyfriend?

My opinion, I would talk it out. If you like her boyfriend, you at least should tell her about it. You are not really a friend if you flirt with her boyfriend. Plus that make you look like a man Stealer.

Should you flirt on a girl if she has a boyfriend?

It really depends. If her boyfriend is your friend, or you are just trying to make another girl jelous, it really isn't worth all the trouble. On the other hand, if you accually like this girl, you can flirt with her but only if she flirts back. If she doesn't, than leave her be or just accept that you two arejust friends.

You love him but he has a girlfriend and she is your friend?

I was in the same spot as you. When you like your friends boyfriend its difficult, DO NOT flirt with him, because he could go and turn to your friend, if it is just a crush try to ditance yourself, and ust be there for your friend. but if you think you really like him i would talk to your friend about it. BUt dont say somthing like "i have a huge crush on your boyfriend". think before you speak and what you think is best.

Your boyfriend sexually attracted to your friend?

In that case, drop him. If he is attracted to her, he will flirt with her, and she might flirt back (all girls do), then it could turn into emotional cheating, and after that is continues.