

What does jitomate mean?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What does jitomate mean?
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Where did jitomate come from?

it is a spanish word although i do not know what it means

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The jitomate (Mexican Spanish for red tomato) qualifies as such. It however, is technically a fruit.

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There are two kinds: green tomato called "tomate verde" and red tomato called "jitomate".

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I am looking for the answer to this question as well. A clue to it's meaning is in the Nahuatl language. "Oaxaca" is the Spanish pronunciation of "Huaxacatl". Huaxacatl may be one complete word or it might be words joined to name that region. An example could be Hua-xacatl. I am looking to see if their is a word in Nahuatl that starts with Hua, and I am also looking up Xacatl. [If this is your first time learning about Nahuatl to Spanish pronounced words, you might be interested in the following: Aguacate (Avocado in English, Originally Ahuacatl in Nahuatl); Jitomate (Tomato in English, Originally Xitomatl in Nahuatl); Chocolate (Originally Xocolatl in Nahuatl), etc.] Hope you find your answer! :)

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Some products that can be found there would include:Fruits and vegetablesFlor de calabaza (squash blossom)EpazoteAguacate (avocado)Jitomate (tomato)Tomate (green tomato)Chile poblano (poblano pepper)Frijol (black bean)Other productsCorn tortillas (by the kilo)Achiote (annatto)Hojas de platano (banana leafs - for wrapping traditional foods like tamales)Type of products depends on how large is the store or if it is within a farmer's market or if it is a supermarket. See related links for some examples.

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It mean what you don't what does it mean.