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my buddy, my pal

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Q: What does mon copain mean in french?
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Related questions

How do you say mi friend in french?

You mean "my friend", right? If you do, you say mon copain or ma copine.

What is you are my best friend in french?

Tu es mon bon copain/ami.

What does le copain mean in French?

Lde copain is the buddy, the pal, mate in French. And it can also mean 'boyfriend'.

How do you say your i love my boyfriend in french?

"j'aime mon copain." or to say "i love you" it is "je t'aime"

How do you say I am going to my friends house in french?

je vais chez mon copain/copine

How do you say i fnally kissed my boyfriend in french?

J'ai finalement embrasse mon copain! And congratualtions :)

French word for best friend?

My best friend = Mon meilleur ami or ma meilleure amie. Also mon copain/ma copine, or even mon pote.

How do you say mate in french?

Its actually camarade de chambre.

How do you say can you be boyfriend in french?

[ Formal ] Est-ce que vous voudrais etre mon copain? [ Informal ] Est-ce que tu veut etre mon copain? Would You like to be my Boyfriend? In Quebec, slang for boyfriend is "Chum".

What is the meaning of Mon com pain?

mon copain - my friend/my mate

How do you say goodnight boo boo in french?

"Boo boo" has no translation in French. You could replace it with "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" Goodnight my boyfriend: bonsoir mon copain Goodnight my girlfriend: bonsoir mon amie

What doescopains mean in French?

un copain is a mate / chum / friend in French.