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A lot of times people who don't necessarily fit into the three major categories: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, ..say that they are queer identified. A lot of people who are categorized by others as being bisexual consider themselves queer identified. And also gay men and lesbians who don't want to be labelled exclusively as gay/lesbian use the word queer. Queer identified is also what some trans people consider themselves. Basically, pretty much anyone who is not straight in the typical sense may choose to say that they are queer identified or simply call themselves queer.

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Q: What does queer identified mean?
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How is the word queer pronounced?

queer = /kwi:r/

What does qweird mean?

I do not know if you meant queer or weird, so here are the definitions for both. Queer has traditionally meant odd or unusual. Weird has traditionally meant of a strange or extraordinary character. I suppose qweird would be a combination of the two, so it could possibly mean when someone is an odd, extraordinary character. Queer definition was found at Weird definition was found at[2]

How do you say queer in french?

In French, the word "queer" is often translated as "non conformiste" or "hors norme," which generally convey the idea of expressing one's sexuality or gender identity outside of societal norms. However, it's worth noting that language evolves, and the use of the term "queer" can vary depending on cultural and personal contexts.

What is a queer male?

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