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They believe in states rights. The constitution implies that states should have more right to enforce the rules instead of the federal government. This is beneficial for the country because when you allow states to take control, the laws are applied specifically for the needs of the people on the state.

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Q: What does someone believe in if they feel that the state governments should have more power over the states than the federal government?
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Many agreements between Native Americans and the federal government fell apart because?

The United States government negotiated thousands of treaties with the Indians over the centuries. Every single one was broken as the settlers wanted more lands, or they wanted gold or other metals. The treaties were just a temporary means of the government getting what it wanted at the moment but as soon as those needs changed, someone would break the treaty. a native americans and settelers had differing concepts of land ownership

What kind of government did Jamestown have?

The council. Example: A dictatorship or someone who ran everything.

What is a Federalist?

A federalist is someone who supports a strong centralized government.AnswerBack around the time of the Revolutionary War was being waged, the Constitutional convention was taking place. There were legislators who were in favor of a strong centralized government (Federalists) and there were those who were in favor of a limited federal government held accountable by its territories/states (Anti- Federalists). List of Federalists:John HancockAlexander Hamilton (New York)John Jay (New York)George Washington (Virginia)John Adams (Massachusetts)List of Anti-Federalists: George Mason (Virginia)Edmund Randolph (Virginia)Elbridge Gerry (Massachusetts)Samuel Adams (Massachusetts)Patrick Henry (Virginia)Richard Henry Lee (Virginia)Anti-Federalists opposed ratification of the Constitution as it did not constrain the federal government from abusing it's power. Therefore the Bill of Rights was constructed.

Someone who commits treason betrays what?

Country or government. Do you really not no the answer its a 3rd grade question! note:from Natalie stop acussing people of been stupid oh yah this is the only thing i did i didnt write anything above!

What is antinomianism?

An antinomian is someone who doesn't believe in the universality of morals. I.e someone who believes that morals change distinctly with the times. One could use it as a way to justify something like racism. Has to do with cultural relativism.

Related questions

How can someone get unclaimed money from the government?

Someone can get unclaimed money from the government by contacting their local government offices. They will guide the person through the proper process. Different policies and procedures might apply to the federal and state governments.

Can someone file for divorce at their country's embassy?

If you are referring to a US citizen filing for divorce at a US Embassy - no, I do not BELIEVE it is possible.Embassies and Consulates handle FEDERAL government laws, concerns, and issues. A marriage is a compact sanctioned by the governments of the individual STATES. The question comes down to, WHO/WHAT court would rule on the petition.

Where can someone go to learn more about consolidation of federal and private student loans?

Someone looking for information on consolidation of Federal and Private student loans should contact the Government for more information.Government phone listing are listed in the blue pages of the phone book, or you may be able to get more information on the Governments web page.

How does someone go about getting a federal attorney?

Attorneys who work for the federal government only have one client and that client is the government. Federal attorneys are lawyers for the government. A regular united states citizen cannot be represent by a federal attorney.

What should you do if you receive an email from someone you believe is impersonating a Federal Agent?

Yes, there most definitely is. Contact your local field office of the FBI (in the Government pages of your phone book) and notify them.

Would you rather be an antifederalist or federalist?

I agree with the federalists because they are supporting the government. On the other hand, why agree with people who are going against government matters? The federalists are sticking up for what is right and for what we need. That's a great way to repay them for standing by our side

What branch of the federal government is currently hiring, if any?

Browsing the Federal government website is one of the best ways to find out What branch of the federal government is currently hiring, aside from knowing someone internally. By browsing through the different branches, one can get a better understanding of what's available.

Someone who opposes all organized governments?

I believe that the term you are looking for is "anarchist".

What does it mean to be a Republican in today's political system?

Traditionally, a Republican is someone who has a set of beliefs. Mostly, Republicans believe in a smaller and less restrictive government. People should strive for themselves to better their lives not to count on the government to solve their problems. Less taxation, they believe your money should remain yours not the governments. It is a more traditional value system routed in self dependancy.

Is it illegal to make someone pay to vote?

Yes- the 24th amendment guarantees that both states and federal governments are prohibited from any type of "poll tax'.

If you do not have strong views what are you consider?

Conservative. Someone with strong views is considered Liberal. i think. No, No, No. A Conservative is someone that believes in small Federal government( republican ). A liberal is some one that believes in big Federal government (Democrat). Someone who has no views is nothing, but views (opinions) are like belly buttons, everyone has one.

Why would one need to show a Federal ID to someone?

Presently, in the United States there is not a requirement for citizens to show a Federal ID. Some employees of the Federal Government are issued Federal IDs for verification of employment.