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Paul talks about circumcision as a doctrinal issue in the early church but not in relation to himself. It would be a given that a religious Jew and Pharisee would be circumcised. This is such a non-issue that it would not rate a mention in the New Testament.

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Q: What does the Bible say about Paul of Jewish faith if he's circumcised or not?
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Philippians 3:5

What does Paul say about circumcision?

He notes that certain people getting circumcised and boasting about it are not obeying the law and therefore have their priorities wrong. He advises that the most important thing is to become a new creation in Jesus not circumcision. The context is that Paul had advised adult converts that they don't need to get circumcised in order to become Christians. As the first Christians were Jewish and were therefore circumcised it was assumed that to join them circumcision was required by adult male converts. However Paul considered that getting circumcised as an adult (no anaesthesis in those days) was a much heavier burden than the apostles had had (being Jewish they had been circumcised close to birth and wouldn't even remember it). Therefore he didn't consider it necessary for them to get circumcised in order to belong to the religion.

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Phil:3:5: Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;

Why was timothy nationality important?

We are told in Acts 16:1-3 that Timothy's mother was a Jew and his father was a Greek. Timothy was to be a great asset to Paul's ministry and so Paul circumcised Timothy. Why? This was done to aid Timothy's acceptance by the Jews and provide full access to the Synagogues he would be visiting with Paul and Silas. If Timothy had not been circumcised, the Jews could have assumed he had renounced his Jewish heritage and had chosen to live as a Gentile. His being one-half Jewish was important.

How did paul universalize the teaching of the christian faith?

Paul saw his mission as bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, that is, to the non-Jewish people such as the Greeks and the Romans. He was given the particular insight that God's grace does not depend on obeying the Jewish Law, even though that Law is good, but upon faith in Christ. Accordingly, he embarked on extensive missionary journeys in the non-Jewish lands.

Was Paul Lynde circumcised?

He was Catholic so chancer are that he was not.

What does Roman's chapter 4 verse 16 mean?

Paul takes up the case of Abraham because those who were teaching that Gentiles must become Jewish proselytes in order to be Christians based their claims on God's promise to Abraham, which were linked to the sign of circumcision: if one was not of the seed of Abraham by nature, he would have to become so by circumcision. Paul explains that the promise was given on the basis of Abraham's faith while he was still uncircumcised. Thus, Abraham's heirs are those who have the same faith, rather than those who are circumcised. The grand thing in Abraham's life was his faith, not his circumcision.

How did the work of paul crucial to the spread of Christianity?

What Paul wrote in the bible is important because he was a sinner himself, and when he was changed by the Lord he spread this faith to many churches and believers

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Before Christianity, people believed in God according to faith. Most were Jewish, but there were Jewish converts and those who just believed. The early believers simply were looking forward to the time of Christ, and according to Paul, they were justified by faith.

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Paul Mos is 100% jewish as his ancestors are jewish.