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Google spain uniforms on google images and u will find some. btw on the first day of middle school the make up to wear is loads of eye shadow, mascara, eye liner, blusher, bright red lipstick, beauty spot and glitter. Hope this helps! :)

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5d ago

School uniforms in Spain typically consist of a white shirt or blouse paired with a navy blue skirt or trousers. Students may also wear a navy blue sweater, cardigan, or blazer with the school logo. Uniforms are often accessorized with a tie or scarf in school colors.

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Are school uniforms compulsory?

School uniforms are compulsory in some schools while others do not require them. It ultimately depends on the specific school's dress code policy. It is best to check with the school directly to confirm their requirements.

Why school should be abolished?

School uniforms should be abolished because teens and children should be able to express themselves through their clothing. They shouldn't be forced and taught to look like everybody else.

Why shouldn't school uniforms be banned?

School uniforms promote a sense of unity and equality among students by removing social and economic barriers. They also help create a focused learning environment by reducing distractions related to clothing choices. Additionally, uniforms can enhance school safety by making it easier to identify students on campus.

What does imagration and customs uniform look like?

Immigration and customs officers typically wear uniforms that consist of a badge, a name tag, and distinct insignias or patches representing their agency. The uniform can vary depending on the country and agency, but common features include a dark-colored shirt with patches, pants, a duty belt, and a cap or hat with agency insignia. Officers may also wear protective gear such as gloves and body armor.

How short is the school skirt for a Japanese girl uniform?

The typical length for a Japanese school skirt is around knee-length, but this can vary depending on the school's regulations and the girl's height. Skirts usually fall just above or below the knees to maintain modesty and professionalism in the school setting.

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What is a good title for a paper on school uniforms?

What to wear. How should I dress? Should we look the same? Will uniforms take stress off mornings? Should everyone look like clones? this help???

Are school uniforms truly effective?

yes because it helps students not be worried about what they look like

How are uniforms bad for you?

School uniforms are bad because they are ugly and not many people like them. How can anyone look unique and be themselves if everyone is wearing the same thing!?

How can school uniforms benefit academically?

people say that uniforms will improve the academic achievement in school but children will get distracted by trying to make the uniforms look better

Why do kids get bullied when wearing school uniforms?

Kids may get bullied when wearing school uniforms for a variety of reasons, such as standing out for not conforming to fashion trends, being perceived as different, or facing jealousy over perceived privilege associated with uniforms. Bullying behavior is often rooted in the bully's own insecurities or desire for control and power over others.

Why school uniforms should be abolished?

School uniforms should be abolished to promote individuality and self-expression among students. It can also reduce the financial burden on families that have to continuously purchase uniforms. Additionally, allowing students to choose their own attire can help them develop a sense of responsibility in choosing appropriate clothing for different occasions.

Why you need school uniforms?

I think the idea is to make a school look neat.

Why are students against school uniforms?

Students may feel school uniforms limit their individuality and self-expression. Some students also believe that uniforms can be uncomfortable or unflattering, impacting their confidence and overall well-being. Additionally, students may view uniforms as an unnecessary expense for their families.

What does death's head look like on the soldiers uniforms in the holocaust?

a skull, but it was not on soldier's uniforms, it was on the uniforms of a divivsion of the SS.

What are some resons for not wearing the school uniforms?

-kids cant express themselves, wouldnt a school look kinda stale if everyone wore the same thing? -school uniforms are boring or nerdy looking, -school uniforms can be expinsive, leaving less money to buy clothes YOU want to buy -school uniforms nay be uncomfortable

Why school uniforms are wrong?

you have your own style and you look like every one else. i havr two words for youNOT COOL!!

What does Washington State University softball uniforms look like?

they look like nerds