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Q: What does the bill of rights provide against an over powerful national government?
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What does the bill of rights provide against an over-powerful national government?

Protection Hope this helps

What two branches of government provide checks and balances against the executive branch becoming too powerful?

The Legislative branch and the Judicial branch.

What is national insurance?

e is when you have to pay the government your tax on the national insurance that ther government provide for you

What does the Defense of the National Government provide?


What must the national government provide to the states?

The national government is obligated to support the state governments in case of an emergency in that state. The national government also should no infringe on state powers.It divides power between a National Government and State governments. The obligation of the National Government to protect the States against invasion.

What does national government provide?

The purpose of the national government of the United States is to protect its citizens. This protection applies to both foreign and domestic threats.

What kind os services do governments provide that people cannot provide for themeselfs?

National defense is one thing the national government is designed to provide and which the average citizen can't provide for themselves.

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What type of a national government did the US Constitution provide?

A federal republic

Does criminal law provide for charges to be brought by the government against a person?

does criminal law provide for charges to be brought by thegovernment against a person

What power does the national government has but not the state?

The national government can:raise armiesdeclare warprint currencyregulate international trade and interstate commercemake treatiespardon criminals convicted of crimes against the federal government (Nixon and Watergate)In other words, the national government has the power to affect the nation as a whole (like declaring war) whereas the state government can affect individuals' daily lives more heavily (state budget cuts, provide for public health).

What types of services does the American government provide at the national?

Food, money,and care