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MIOAK stands for: The Mystic Insignia Of A Klansman. Today it is most commonly known as the Blood Drop Cross. It is displayed as the patch seen on the robes of Klansmen. It is also a part of the Imperial Seal of the Klan.

Now, look at the two Mioaks above and tell me which one is crooked and which one is straight? If you guessed the one on the left is straight you are right. If you look at old photos of the KKK in the 1920's-40's, you will notice that the robe patches appear to be at an angle that makes them look like an "X", like the one on the left above. Why? Well, let's start by taking a look at the Imperial Seal of the KKK as instituted by Col. Simmons. Here it is below:

Now, you can see quite plainly that all they did next was to take the K's and the yin yang and place it on a round patch and add the Klan colors of red, white, and black. The original Klan did not have this symbol. It was the invention of the revival Klan and it was called the MIOAK by the revival Klan and not the blood drop cross. However, it was hard to sew on the dates in the center so they could be seen and read. So, they were not put on the patches. Also, the white part of the yin yang could not be seen against the white background of the patch. So only the dark part showed up in red. But that didn't bother the revival Klan and they used it at the angle shown above on the left. There was no cross or blood of Christ connection to it at all. Therefore, the Blood Drop Cross aspect is historically incorrect and all patches worn to look like a cross instead of the "X" are, in fact, wrong.

This is how the robe patch should look when sewn on.

So when did the MIOAK get turned over to look like a cross and the blood of Christ connection added? The exact date for that fabrication in not known, but it was the brain child of one of the many modern Klans that sprang up in the 1970's or, maybe, as early as the late 1960's. For certain the Klans of the 1970's were wearing the patch on their robes to look as a cross. Why the change? By the late 1960's the Ku Klux Klan groups were pulverized by the federal and state prosecutions of the illegal and renegade Klans for their criminal activities during the Civil Rights movement. The legitimate Klans suffered heavily, too, as mega bad media coverage discouraged people from joining and encouraged members to quit. Nearly all the bona fide ministers and clergymen from legitimate established churches who had been members quit the Klan. They left largely because of the negative image the illegal Klans created with their burning down of Black churches that were used to organize Blacks into the Civil Rights Movement. and their misuse of the fiery cross as an instrument of terror. So, after the Klans dwindled down to an all time low of about eight thousand members nationwide, someone, somewhere, got the idea to make a public relations pitch to try to regain the Klan's lost clergymen and improve it's symbolism in the eyes of the public by taking on all the Christian overtones it could. Hocus pocus the MIOAK became the Blood Drop Cross. In fact, in the 1980's the term MIOAK had been nearly forgotten as most new members were young and knew little of the Klan's symbolism. The seven symbols of the Klan were also largely forgotten. They didn't start coming back into common Klan use until I, in the late 1980's, started to shame various Klan groups by exposing their ignorance before the press. Even the four degrees of the Klan were largely forgotten until I began to make that information publicly known.

The modern day Klans' switch from the MIOAK to the Blood Drop Cross was not an act of religious zeal. It was a Propaganda move, just paying lip service to Christianity, while trying to look more respectable in the eyes of the public. Fly by night Klan leaders also began to join mail order "churches" that sold "ministers credentials" so they could use the title "Reverend" in front of their names to give the impression that ministers and churchmen were re-joining the Klan again. It was a poor move to make, one that backfired. Now the only true clergymen who will have anything to do with the Klan are those who personally know the members of some of the small legitimate Klans and they remain strictly secret members, for obvious reasons, to protect their reputations.

It is unlikely that the MIOAK will ever get changed back to it's proper angle and meaning. Most modern Klans don't know of the MIOAK's true history and symbolism. Their propagandists are big on paying lip service to Christianity in an effort to sugar coat the fly by night Klans of today and cover up the current illegal activities of renegade Klan groups. No one but the village idiots fall for this, though, and by this false "Christian" front it would appear that these wannabe Klans have incurred the wrath of God, for they all fail and fall apart within a few years of their beginning. In the past twenty years so many Klan groups have formed up and fallen apart you could almost set your watch to them.

So, the K's now look like a cross and the dark part of the yin yang is now passed off as a blood drop symbol for the blood of Christ. Well, there's really no harm in making a change, but anything religious should be done for religious purposes and not for propaganda, public relations, or political imagery.

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