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Q: What does the body need as a physical demand of the exercise?
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Which part of your body need exercise?

the body that needs exercise are the muscles in our body and our bones

Is eating and then exercising going to help you gain weight?

the basics of weight gain is eating more than what you need so that the excess can be stored to gain weight and physical exercise which will demand the body to add more muscle so that the weight gained is healthy and not fat

What do obese and overweight children experience in physical education?

Whether you are overweight or not physical education is something we all need to experience and learn, exercise is good for the body and good for the brain

What is Shorts bursts of exercise when body does not meet the oxygen demand called?

This type of exercise, during which the body's oxygen need exceeds the lungs' ability to replenish it is called anaerobic exercise -- literally, 'without air.' Exertion of longer duration, during which the body is able to sustain the energy output (and the lungs have the capacity to provide the necessary oxygen for a longer period of time) is known as aerobic exercise.

Why does exercise have an effect on pulse rate and breathing?

Because the demand for oxygen and glucose increases, and the heart and lungs need to speed up to keep up with the demand.

Why do you need to exercise regularly?

you need to exercise because it keeps your body fit and healthy with good shape

Can you exercise and not eat and still lose fat?

No, because what little you do eat, your body doesn't know how to sort it out and especially if your an athlete, you need to eat more for your body to turn it into protein, if you exercise anyway it wouldn't make you gain fat it would give you more strength and energy. You need more food, healthy food, to support your body when doing physical activities. If that makes sense.

Which is a feeling of physical discomfort caused by the body's need for nutrients?

Hunger is the body's perceptual response to undernourishment (the need for nutrients).

What you understand in physical education?

Physical education is basically the education of exercise practiced in education centres as it is important for the need of human body for it to become healthy and strong. We understand that Physical education is guided to stay fit, healthy and strong one must learn physical education in order to evolve.

What to do for the development of mental and physical health?

You need to eat healthy, exercise more often for the development of the physical and mental health.

Why should you strive to attend physical fitness?

You have many advantages of being physically fit. You develop self confidence with physically fit body. You can do your work in far better way. Debilitated body can not have healthy personality. Being physically and mentally fit you can serve the society in better way as a member of the society.

Why are physical games are better for kids than video games?

You are moving your body. Your muscles need exercise to maintain themselves, and the heart and lungs improve their operation with use (unless you overtax them).